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Dear @Alvaro Dubois, the modern usage of enzymes from phytase up to muramidase faces two different perspectives for me: nutrient releases and antinutritional and allergenic mitigation effects.Nutrient Releases are not so complex as it is possible to take the information from the lab.Antinutritional effects reduction is more complex as even in large production units there are different sensibilitie ...
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Kostas Mountzouris (Agricultural University of Athens) offers insights on gut homeostasis modulation through metabolizable energy, crude protein and phytogenics, during the 11th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA.
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1. IntroductionInfectious bronchitis (IB) is a contagious viral disease caused by a gamma coronavirus known as infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) [1]. IB is one of the most prevalent respiratory diseases in the poultry industry in Canada and elsewhere and it causes significant mortality and morbidity in both broiler and layer chickens, resulting in significant economic impacts to the poultry indust ...
Participation in Forum on November 14, 2023
@Celina Adams thanks. please stay tuned for follow up on this. I will be posting another followup article next week. Thanks
Article published the November 13, 2023
Aquaculture, the cultivation of aquatic organisms, is experiencing a technological evolution with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This dynamic synergy holds the potential to redefine and optimize various aspects of aquaculture, from resource management to environmental sustainability. One key player in this transformative landscape is ChatGPT, a cutting-edge AI language model. In ...
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From experience in freerun brown layers, it is easy to see if enzymes work. Add it on top, and you should see the results on bird weight in a week to 10 days. What the bird's weight tells you, is larger egg size and or production coming, because of increased follicle size and number. But one must have a continuous bird weigher. Accurate bird scales that has temp compensated are paramount in today' ...
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Mohammad Afrouziyeh makes an excellent point. One really needs to consider the impact of an enzyme on the individual ingredients. Not an easy thing to do but it will maximize the value of the enzyme.
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Hi Pirzado M.ZakriaThere is a matrix for multienzymes use. The general rule is: minerals from Phytase, energy from NSP and protein from protease (as 100%). From other enzymes, we take 50-25%. This is a simplification, of course, and the composition must be considered individually. For exact calculation please ask the producer/distributor as DSM, Danisco, AB or Addiseo.
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@Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna Yes it is. It is not correct to use matrix indicators of individual enzymes, since in practice a mixture of enzymes is always used. For example, if you want to use only xylanase, then a reasonable question arises: does your feed consist of only wheat? And of course, it is wrong to simply use the sum of matrix values, since enzymes interact both with substrates and wit ...
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@Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov, totally agree, but there is also a big problem that impacts response of enzymes, most individual matrices are also evaluated under conditions that do not apply in practice, look values from phytase commercial phytases, blame 5 - 10 improvement on amino acids digestibilities at 500 ftu, but several New publications confirm papers published with Dr. Parsons lab, matrices d ...
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