Dr.Ashish Kumar Pandey likes the comment:
Dr. Ivey,Thanks for your clarification. Now it is easy for us to correlate.
Dr.Ashish Kumar Pandey likes the comment:
Thanks for the good information Dr. Ivey!I have one confusion: In the slide - example of mathematics on ingredients - Why you have considered 2% increased value (3319) of 1% increase (3254) instead of initial value (3222) for energy (Kcal/kg) calculation of wheat? Same calculation was done for energy of Soybean meal as well. Is there any specific reason for that?
Participation in Forum on May 25, 2023
Nisar Muhammad Khan The effect of antibiotics on probiotic depends upon the type of antibiotic and species of probiotics being used. If you are using AGP then why you want to use probiotics in feed. But, if you are using probiotics with AGP, then there are some probiotic such as COSBAC which can be used AGP. If you are substituting AGP by probiotics you have to add probiotics in feeds for the sim ...
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Historic existence of Indian Poultry Industry from the last 50 years not only have created many milestones but also evolved as major rural employment generator producing the ultimate protein. Poultry meat production increased from 3.725 million tons in 2014 to 8.80 million tonnes in 2020-2021(BAHS, 2021). While the egg production increased from 82.93 billion in 2015-16 to 122.05 billion in 2020-21 ...
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Real challenges faced by Indian poultry Industry are well described by Dr. Girish Kolwankar. Conventional feed ingredients crises and increasing cost of production ultimately shrinking the profit of farmers. More Work should emphasize on use of alternative feed ingredients without compromising the performance.
Participation in Forum on October 10, 2022
the price fluctuations of conventional raw materials especially soya and maize is creating a tough scenario for poultry feed industry, which is aptly described by Dr. G Kolwankar Sir. A more holistic approach by all major stock holder is need of the time
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Dr. Girish Kolwamkar, Director of Premium Chick Feeds, shares his insights on the current problems the poultry industry has to face in India
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Prof. dr. F. Van Immerseel, speaks about how poultry producers can improve gut barrier, microbiota, and birds’ resilience
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April 12, 2022
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