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Video published on January 31, 2024
Joshua Jendza (Qualitech) talks about avoiding pathogen growth while providing iron to the bird, and how iron works against Salmonella and other bacteria, during this Engormix interview.
This member gave a presentation on January 29, 2024
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2024
Participation in Forum on January 4, 2024
@M.C. Fernando R. Feuchter A. - Acetic acid (active ingredient in vinegar) can also be metabolized by some microbiota, but to a lesser extent (in my experience) than citric acid. One issue that can come up is the rather low acetic acid concentration in vinegar (generally 4 to 6%). Even if you are going to be further diluting the vinegar in drinking water, there is still the cost associated with tr ...
Joshua A. Jendza likes the comment:
Gene Pesti, as evidenced by several research works (Zhand & Adeola, 2017; 2018; Fang et al., 2007 – poultry and pigs) and pointed by Aaron Cowieson, SID Ca/P is more additive in complex mixtures. Some nutrient recommendations have already started using SID P (NRC, 2012) in feed formulations as pointed by Joshua Jendza. Therefore, a concurrent use of SID Ca is necessary because of the int ...
Participation in Forum on July 24, 2023
Aaron Cowieson - The benefits of using standardized digestibility is exactly as you say, but I was of the impression that using Ileal instead of total tract digestibility was more a matter of convenience. We already collect illegal samples for SID of amino acids, and using those same samples for mineral analysis as well is simply easier than collecting a separate excreta sample. Particularly when ...
Participation in Forum on July 24, 2023
Luc Goethals Thank you for your pushback against overly optimistic marketing language. Synergy is a word often used, but an effect rarely demonstrated in organic acid trials. Additivity is far more common. This is becuase for most organic acids, the mode of action is the same, and the pH of the environment in which the acids are expected to operate are either too high or too low to allow for the ...
Joshua A. Jendza likes the comment:
Dear Dr. Rajendra,Thanks for your adequate feedback and clarifications.I can't more than agree with some of your statements such as the feed preservation efficacy of propionic and formic acid: in fact "decontaminants" rather than "organic acids". And for sure, since decennia most industrial preservatives have been based on propionic and formic acid and their salts and are abundantly used. But thes ...
Joshua A. Jendza likes the comment:
Thanks for this information, interesting, but revealing a lot of questions or request for more detailed information.1) Could you document the synergism between the organic acids and salts you are using in your product? Meaning each time the individual effect at the used level and then the various combinations?2) What is the dosage you recommend and what is the level and concentration you are reach ...
Participation in Forum on March 14, 2023
Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna. Fermentative effects are driven more by the diet than the acid. Unprotected acids are absorbed or metabolized vaguely early in the foregut. Effects on the hind gut are indirect, in that they acid affects the foregut, and those effects have a carryover effects on the hind gut - where fermentation occurs. By the cecum or colon, all of the acid added to feed or water ...
Participation in Forum on March 14, 2023
dan hofer gut acidification really only happens in the crop/proventriculous. Beyond that point he bird will buffer the digests with pancreatic secretions, regardless of which acid is used. The exception being the use of protected/encapsulated acids, which don’t acidify the foregut, and only the hind gut to the extent they are released from their protection/encapsulation technology. In essence yo ...
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