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Maria Aparecida Melo Iuspa likes the comment:
Dear Prof. Juarez Donzele,Regarding Guanidine Acetic Acid (GAA), Formation each mole of GAA consumes a mol of Arg and a mol of Gly. Then supplementation diet with GAA can save some Arg and Gly but any way GAA needs to be methylated by a methyl donor like Met to form Creatine, therefore supplementation diet with GAA may not help suboptimal diet with SAA.
Maria Aparecida Melo Iuspa likes the comment:
Dear Prof. Donzele. Please be aware that creatine content of all forms of animal byproducts is EXTREMELY variable; C of V for fish meal approaches 100%. Whilst we do indeed need to progress to a situation where we define an actual creatine requirement for all classes of vertebrate livestock, reliance on animal byproducts should account for this extreme variability. MPS
Maria Aparecida Melo Iuspa likes the comment:
Further to this comment. I often do costing and training exercises looking at the impact of NOT using supplemental amino acids in commercial diets. Every time - in every situation - addition of a methionine source results in the highest cost saving and the highest reduction in crude protein content. As methionine is first-limiting amino acid in poultry feeds, this is not altogether surprising.Of c ...
Maria Aparecida Melo Iuspa likes the video:
Carlos de La Cruz, Global Expert of Egg Production at Evonik Animal Nutrition, offers some suggestions to achieve gut health in layers, during the Congresso de Ovos APA 2019 in Brazil
Maria Aparecida Melo Iuspa likes the video:
During IPPE 2019, Mark Daniel, Technical Services Manager at Evonik Animal Nutrition, explains the main benefits of using AMINOBatch® system which allows for a realistic evaluation of mixing quality and helps to produce more homogeneous compound feeds.
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October 29, 2018
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: I+D, Hanau- Alemania
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