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Participation in Forum on December 18, 2009
Dear Dr. John Sinclair, As you have mentioned it can be measured by enzymetical methods. to do so you can easily use a Megazyme Kit called Starch Damage kit. I have already used it amd got a reasonable results for measuring starch gelatinisation. good luck
Participation in Forum on February 14, 2009
Thanks for the article. It's a comprehensive review on Pellet quality. I think when we are talking about pellet quality we should consider the percentage of fines in pelleted feed, pellet durability, pellet hardness and also nutrient quality of pelleted feed which makes the issue a bit complicated. Low fine and good pellet durability does not necessary mean that we also have a good hardness. While ...
Participation in Forum on December 21, 2008
Regarding to effect of pressure on pre-pelleting conditioning: Steam pressure which can be used during conditioning is usually ranged between 20 psig=138 kPa (low pressure) to 80 psig=552 kPa (high pressure). According to some researches (Briggs et al., 1999 Maier and Briggs, 2000), steam pressure does not have a significant effect on feed quality in terms of pellet durability. The reason can b ...
This member had joined Engormix
January 29, 2008
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Location:Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Animal Nutritionist
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