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Marcela Liliana Drago
EVONIK ANIMAL NUTRITION WE’RE SCIENCING THE GLOBAL FOOD CHALLENGE BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFE The greatest global challenge is to ensure food security. Eight billion human lives depend on it. However, it matters how we source animal protein. BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFE...
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ConclusionsThe dietary inclusion of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CECT 5940 (Ecobiol®), antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) and their combination significantly:Improved feed conversion in broilers compared to the challenged group without feed additives. Reduced footpad lesion and C. perfringens in ileum while providing better uniformity, fecal dropping score, carcass and breast m ...
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It’s all about performance. Best quality, best handling. It's about science. Particularly for use in monogastrics. MetAMINO® ensures the adequate supply of sulfur amino acids, especially of the essential methionine. Because of methionine being first-limiting in typical poultry diets its use has been well established for many years. Additionally, diets for piglets and growing pigs can show a consid ...
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In 2019, Evonik launched a new science-based training program called the ‘Evonik School of Animal Nutrition’ to help its customers achieve optimum performance and profitability with minimum environmental impact. This short video summarizes the events so far and provides insight into the participants’ experiences. It features Martin Smith, our Technical Director for the MEA region, Ansgar Jaegar, S ...
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To meet the challenges of our growing population sustainably, livestock feeding practices need to be improved. Optimized protein supply plays a major role, which is where Mepron® from Evonik comes in. Learn more about how your farm can benefit from this important feed additive in this short video.
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Evonik Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) uses advanced technologies to help optimize every stage of livestock production – animal nutrition, health and farming in one holistic approach. Dr. Alfred Petri -Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Health & Nutrition Business- highlights the key features of this service, during IPPE 2020, in Atlanta, USA.
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The protein in alfalfa silage is subject to extensive degradation to non protein nitrogen (NPN) in the silo. Furthermore, the NPN in alfalfa silage is rapidly degraded to ammonia in the rumen and, if not captured as microbial protein, will end up largely as urea-N excreted in the urine. Milk production and milk nitrogen (N) efficiency have improving potential through amino acid balancing. Milk-N p ...
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Introduction In the past decades, the improvement of production efficiency has resulted in the tremendous success in the poultry industry. Feed Conversion Ratio has decreased from 2.8 in the 1950s to less than 1.6 currently. Over the past 25 years, the number of eggs laid by a single laying hen increased by at least one egg per year. As the production efficiency has improved, the poultry industry ...
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Dr. Saikat Saha, Area Business Director, Animal Nutrition, Evonik India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Myanmar, points out the portfolio of Evonik for Indian Subcontinent which includes amino acids, probiotics, and Big Data solutions, during Poultry India 2019
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ConclusionsSupplementation of two graded levels of DL-Met or liquid MHA-FA to a Met-deficient diet significantly improved pig performance during phase 1 and 2 of the study. Compared with MHA-FA, the inclusions of DL-Met seemed to produce a more homogeneous weight gain.The overall growth performance during the 37-day study was not different among the two corresponding Met-supplemented groups, indic ...
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Peter Chrystal (Baiada) gave a presentation on different tests, models and tools to better analyze feed formulation and poultry nutrition, during the Latin American Poultry Congress in Lima, Peru.
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