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Girish Channarayapatna
EVONIK ANIMAL NUTRITION WE’RE SCIENCING THE GLOBAL FOOD CHALLENGE BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFE The greatest global challenge is to ensure food security. Eight billion human lives depend on it. However, it matters how we source animal protein. BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFE...
Article published the December 16, 2021
During the process of digestion and absorption of ingested feed in poultry, significant losses of endogenous amino acids (EAA) occur from various digestive secretions, mucoproteins and the epithelial cells lining the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Several factors such as the development of GIT and changes in dry matter intake (DMI) with advancing age, type of bird, method of euthanasia and ileal di ...
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Article published the December 16, 2021
I. INTRODUCTIONKnowledge on the digestibility of amino acids (AA) in raw materials is crucial for precise feed formulation, and for more efficient and sustainable use of feed resources. The accuracy of excreta-based digestibility measurements for determining N and AA digestibility may be questionable, due to the variable effects of the caecal microflora on dietary protein utilisation and the contr ...
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Article published the July 5, 2021
I. INTRODUCTIONCommercial poultry diets are routinely supplemented with methionine (Met) sources to precisely meet their Met+Cys specifications. Globally, dry DL-methionine (DL-Met, 99% purity) is the most commonly used Met source followed by methionine hydroxy analogue products (MHA-FA liquid, 88% purity and dry MHA-Ca, 84% purity) and L-methionine (LMet, 99% purity). During recent years, numerou ...
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Article published the July 5, 2021
One benefit of low protein (LP) diets is improving gut health in a future of antibiotic-growth promoter free diets. Drew et al., (2004) found an interaction between dietary crude protein (CP) and proliferation of Clostridium perfringens, a pathogenic bacterium identified to cause clinical and sub-clinical necrotic enteritis (NE), which costs the poultry industry US$6 billion dollars annually (Wade ...
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Article published the July 5, 2021
I. INTRODUCTION Growing emphasis on environmental regulation requires global animal production to adopt strategies like feeding low CP diets to minimize nitrogen excretion. However, in some of the animal feeding studies, lowering dietary CP beyond a certain level showed undesirable effects on growth performance and carcass quality of broilers. A number of explanatory approaches is being debated as ...
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Article published the July 5, 2021
Low protein (LP) diets have clear benefits for the poultry industry with regards to health, welfare and production. Dean et al., (2006) found that supplementing LP diets with glycine (Gly) and essential amino acids (AAs) can maintain performance similar to that seen on a standard protein (SP) diet. Further research into this concept proposes that supplementation of Gly precursors such as threonine ...
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Article published the March 11, 2021
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing corn by full-fat rice bran (FFRB) on performance and meat quality characteristics of growing-finishing pigs. A total of 728 pigs [Duroc x (Yorkshire x Landrace); initial body weight (BW) = 24.1 ± 0.11 kg] were randomly distributed to 4 dietary treatments with 7 replicate pens (26 pigs/pen) per treatment. Diets 1, 2, 3 and 4 were for ...
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This member gave a presentation on January 26, 2021
At the following event:
IPPE Marketplace - International Production & Processing Expo 2021
This member gave a presentation on January 26, 2021
At the following event:
IPPE Marketplace - International Production & Processing Expo 2021
Video published on March 25, 2019
Dr. Girish Channarayapatna, Director, Nutrition and Technical Sales at Evonik Animal Nutrition, explains this New digital approach presented at VIV Asia 2019, which allow producers to use sensors and software going beyond just gathering data in order to get a better understanding of the condition of their flocks, helping increase the performance or improve uniformity.
equalizer Statistics: Articles(8)Videos(1)
Location:Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Director, Nutrition and Technical Sales Evonik Animal Nutrition
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