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Participation in Forum on January 17, 2019
Veena the liquor collectd with rumenocentesis is very representative of the rumen liquor. Some reserches have demonstrated this. When the liquor is collected with oroesofageal tubes marked differences can be observed on pH and total AGV for the saliva contamination, but samples are representative for the AGV profile and microbiota profile tests.
Participation in Forum on November 7, 2018
Dear Joe Magadi, I'm happy to your request. You can recover the paper from Research Gate. Alternatively, you can send me your email asking a pdf of this paper. Best regards Erminio
Article published the October 12, 2018
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Article published the October 5, 2018
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Article published the October 5, 2017
IntroductionThe transition period, 3 weeks before to 3 weeks after parturition, is important for health, reproduction, production and profitability of dairy cows (Bertoni et al., 2008). In this period cows are affected by different stressors including the increase of body lipid mobilization, oxidative stress, major changes in endocrine status, and altered immune function, which together result in ...
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Article published the August 31, 2017
Introduction Fertility is the result of so many factors that the definition of Fromageot (1978) is not surprising: reproduction can be considered a “luxury” function. In fact, several experiments have demonstrated how numerous and different are the causes of reduced fertility. Among them, nutrition has a relevant role (Wolter, 1973; Bertoni, 1990; Ferguson, 1991) related to the de ...
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Article published the August 3, 2017
Introduction In non-ruminants, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) play a crucial role in the regulation of fatty acid metabolism and inflammatory responses [1]. The PPAR family is composed of three subtypes: PPAR-gamma (PPARG), PPAR-alpha (PPARA), and PPARδ/β (PPARD), among which the expression of PPARG and PPARA subtypes are associated with adipogenesis/lipogenesis ...
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Article published the June 30, 2017
Introduction The peripartal or “transition” period in taurine cattle is considered the most important phase of the lactation cycle because during this time animals are most-susceptible to metabolic or infectious disorders (Drackley 1999; Van Knegsel et al. 2014). The immune and innate host resistance mechanisms (Mallard et al. 1998) are impaired during the peripartal period, often rend ...
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Article published the June 9, 2017
Introduction The liver performs essential functions in mammals. These include, but are not limited to, gluconeogenesis and glycogen synthesis, synthesis of several plasma proteins encompassing clotting factors and acute phase proteins (APP) (e.g., haptoglobin, albumin, and fibrinogen), metabolism of amino acids and lipids, and detoxification including ammonia removal [1,2]. During the period aroun ...
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Participation in Forum on December 22, 2016
The physiologycal range of many plasma parameters during the dry and lactation period are reported in the following contribute: Bertoni G., Trevisi E. 2013. Use of the Liver Activity Index and other metabolic variables in the assessment of metabolic health in dairy herds. Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice: 29(2):413–431. (
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Location:Piacenza, Lombardia, Italy
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Research
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