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Dr. Shafqat Nawaz Qaisrani
PhD (Animal Nutrition)
Poultry (Broiler as well as layer) feed formulation
PhD (Animal Nutrition)
Dr. Shafqat Nawaz Qaisrani likes this technical article:
Introduction:Due to the constant genetic evolution in both the production of broilers, nutritionists must constantly adapt their nutritional recommendations and feeding programs to maximize economic results at all times. These management and nutrition decisions must take into account: the animal (potential for growth), environmental conditions and the composition of the feed, which affect feed con ...
Dr. Shafqat Nawaz Qaisrani likes this technical article:
In the past, nutritionists did not pay attention to fibre in poultry feed formulations. Step by step the researcher as well as the industry in this decade has realised the importance of fibre in a poultry feeding strategy. The use of fibre in poultry has been, and still is, a major research topic at universities around the globe.Professor Mateos group from Spain as well as Prof. Svihus from Norway ...
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Martin Smith Thanks for your comments. This is a great input and let me explain more. In practical diets for broiler breeders the methionine (M) and cysteine (C) are limited and most diets cover the minimum requirements. And flocks fed with levels of M+C that match the requirements shows egg oversize. Why? In practical diets of broiler breeders the digestible lysine is above the requirements, mean ...
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Syed Farjad Zaidi The optimum particle size for about 5-8% of the total diet should be about 1200 microns. Include only 3% course ground corn in starter feed to allow birds condition their gut, and then increase this to about 5% in the grower diet, and up to 8% in the finisher diet. This will help the bird condition their gizzard, which is the pace-setter for gut motility and intestinal function ...
Dr. Shafqat Nawaz Qaisrani likes this technical article:
It is widely understood that tunnel ventilation is a necessity when it comes to keeping market-age broilers comfortable during hot weather. Air speeds of 600 ft/min or more combined with evaporative pad cooling of ten degrees or more have proven to not only help keep heat stress related mortality to a minimum, but enable the birds to continue to eat and grow during even the hottest summer weather. ...
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Emad Elgazzar WHY DECREASE OIL CONTENT? Oils have a lower Heat Increment than both proteins and carbohydrates. They also facilitate production of a denser ration, which can compensate for reduced feed intake.
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Elizabeth Santin, a Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, describes ways to contro immunity and improve gut health in all species in an event held by the Brazilian company Yes.
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The IHSIG group invites the industry, scientists, and students to present their recent work on intestinal health during short presentations and poster sessions. The abstracts must be submitted before August 20, 2017. The Intestinal Health Scientific Interest Group (IHSIG) group organizes its 5th symposium on poultry intestinal health. The event will be held in Bangkok, Thailand,  ...
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January 16, 2015
Location:Lahore, Punjab, Pakistán
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: PhD (Animal Nutrition)
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