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Dr Nitin Ghadage
Master in Veterinary Science
Broiler expert, Nutritionist.
Master in Veterinary Science
Discussion created on December 2, 2021
Anybody can discuss litter toxicity in broiler birds? I am observing the problem in broiler birds with gizzard lesions..
Participation in Forum on December 10, 2018
Great work at Lamic. Thanks Sir.
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Dose for acidomix DF+ for breeders is recommended 2 kg per ton for entire life cycle for better health management And quality day old chick.But in our experience if you have any challenge and wants to start mid cycle then give 3kg for two weeks and get back to 2 kg per ton of feed.
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Dear Colleague Christoph Hutter, you beautifully summed up the whole situation. @Dear Ahmad Anjum, I know not a single salesman who forces his/her clients to buy something. We present our case and nobody is fool here to buy anything without taking into account its benefits. Its a symbiotic relationship and I think you are sightly misplaced in your opinion that management is the only solution. It i ...
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Dear Ahmed Anjum, I fully endorse that the good management practices are the basic step to achieve good performance from the flock. But when you talk about balance and safe feed, do you think it could be achieved without some additives being added to take care of bacterial contamination? At the same time do you think water quality can be managed without maintaining its pH. Continuing, do you think ...
Participation in Forum on August 5, 2017
Hi Dr Tahir Mahmood, Please elaborate more on salt of organics you recommend to use in poultry feed. how it is better than encapsulated organic acid or glyceride of organic acids or combination of the organic acid???
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Diformate is the most successful formula to deliver sustained release of organic acid thorough out the GUT of poultry. It not only kills harmful bacteria but also aids in the optimum release of endogenous enzymes thus enhancing the digestion process. The optimum release of endogenous enzymes is very crucial especially in young chicken with developing GIT. The modern poultry production ere has brou ...
Participation in Forum on January 11, 2015
Thanks all to helping me on the issue.... Be in touch
Participation in Forum on January 10, 2015
thanks dr barmanji... help lot your points... i will try to check it point to point...
Participation in Forum on January 9, 2015
We are having single feed source with same ingredients. If it is of nutrition origin then it should be at 100% farm. But it is observed at 25% farms.
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Location:Pune, Maharashtra, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Master in Veterinary Science
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