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Application of herbal formulation for Mastitis

Published: June 17, 2020
By: Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
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Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
Shahid Anees Sandhu
17 de junio de 2020
Sir I need harbal formulation mastitis
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
17 de junio de 2020
Adopting the Ethno-veterinary Science and Practices to combat infectious and other clinical conditions in livestock has been identified and tested as a key game changer in reducing the use of antibiotic and other veterinary drugs in veterinary practices. It is also indicated that EVP was extremely helpful for the farmers during the corona lock down period as these formulations could be prepared and use by the farmers themselves for the wellbeing of their cattle.
G. Abraha Negash
28 de julio de 2020
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair I is indeed outcome driven innovation of socially unmet need that dairy farmers could easily practice from locally available sources.
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
17 de junio de 2020
Clinical condition Number of Animal treated % cure Mastitis 38305 93.27
Lorenzo Quesnel
Perry Brook Dairy Farm
8 de julio de 2020

What herbs treat inflamed klebsiella mastitis and inflamed staphylococcus aureus quarters?

Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
9 de julio de 2020
Lorenzo Quesnel This is efficacious for subclinical, clinical klebsiella mastitis and chronic mastitis the result is supported by microbiome study of the udder. the paper is under publication this also can prevent mastitis . there will be slight change in the protocol for treatment of subclinical, clinical klebsiella mastitis and chronic mastitis recovery of chronic mastitis is about 75%
Lorenzo Quesnel
Perry Brook Dairy Farm
9 de julio de 2020
Dr. Nair, Thank's for the reply When the publication is published could you please send a link? Is there merit in herbal galactogoges? We average 38 kilograms per day on our 900 cows. Is there a single herb for the best results? Would essential oil of black seed and fennel seed increase butterfat % without affecting production? Is Ruchamax best for indigestion and off feed dairy animals? Is hb strong or galog or galacton vet effective for our level of milk production?
Santosh Kumar
16 de julio de 2020
Lorenzo Quesnel Root powder of Asparagus racemosus have been extensively reviewed for milk production, composition and health benefits. You may visit https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/simple-search?location=&query=Asparagus+racemosus&rpp=100&sort_by=score&order=DESC&etal=0&submit_search=Update for more details..
Lorenzo Quesnel
Perry Brook Dairy Farm
21 de agosto de 2020
Santosh Kumar Thanks from USA. Is Ruchamax the best product for dead rumens? Is there better herbs or herbal products for off feed cows?
Lorenzo Quesnel
Perry Brook Dairy Farm
3 de septiembre de 2020
Santosh Kumar Sir, could asparagus racemosus 20:1 water extraction be used to replace 250 grams of Shatavari powder?
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
9 de julio de 2020
1. Nair, M N B. 2005.(Edt.) Contemporary relevance of Ethno-veterinary medical traditions of India. Proceeding of National workshop Oct. 17th& 18th 2005, Kediyur hotel, Udupi, Mangalore, Karnataka 2. Nair M.N.B. &P.M. Unnikrishnan 2010. Revitalizing ethnoveterinary Medical tradition: A perspective from India (Chapter 5) in David R. Katerere&DibungiLuseba (Eds) Ethnoveterinary Botanical Medicine-Herbal medicine for animal health. CRC-Press, Taylor & Francis group, USA. 3. Nair M. N. B.& G. Hariramamurthy 2010. Access and Benefit Sharing and the In Situ Protection of Traditional Knowledge. Policy Matters 17:185-188 4. Nair M N B&N.Punnyamurthy.(Edt) 2010. Ethno-veterinary practices. Proceeding of the International conference on Mainstreaming Traditional wisdom on livestock keeping and herbal medicine for sustainable rural livelihood. TANUVAS & I-AIM South Zone cultural center. Thanjavur, India Jan 4th -6th . 5. G GGangadharan&M N B Nair. 2010. Nature & perspective of Indian Health traditions with emphasis on the ancient veterinary sciences. Proceeding of the International conference on Mainstreaming Traditional wisdom on livestock keeping and herbal medicine for sustainable rural livelihood. TANUVAS & I-AIM South Zone cultural center. Thanjavur, India Jan 4th -6t 6. Nair M N B 2010. Access & benefit sharing in the context of traditional Knowledge &biocultural protocol. Proceeding of the International conference on Mainstreaming Traditional wisdom on livestock keeping and herbal medicine for sustainable rural livelihood. TANUVAS & I-AIM South Zone cultural center. Thanjavur, India Jan 4th -6t 7. Nair, M N B& S Raneesh 2011. “Documentation and Assessment of Ethno-veterinary Practices – A strategy for mainstreaming local health traditions for sustainable veterinary care” in India in Testing and Validation of Indigenous knowledge, the COMPAS experience from South India.( Edts) A V Balasubramanian, K Vijayalakshmi, Shylaja R Rao and R AbarnaThooyavathy. CKS Chennai pp 60-94 8. N.Punnyamurthy, Kumar.S.K.,&M N B.Nair 2012. Hand book on ethno-veterinary Practices. I-AIM, Bangalore (version 2. September 2012) 9. Nair, M.N.B. 2006. Contemporary relevance of ethno-veterinary practices, documentation and assessment Ethno-veterinary Medicine Conference, Harvesting Knowledge, Pharming Opportunities, 14 – 15 September 2006, Writtle College, Chelmsford, Essex 10. Nair, M.N.B 2006. Ethno-veterinary medical traditions and methodology for their documentation, assessment and promotion Prosperity and Poverty in a Globalized World –Challenges for Agricultural Research 11. Nair, M. N. B, Dr. S.K.Kumar and N.Punniamurthy.2014. Progress report of the project “Training of Trainers on Popularising Ethno-veterinary Practises in order to Improve Milk Quality in Smallholder dairy farming in South India” Final report on the project support from ETC for Technical training programme 12. Nair M N B, N. Punniamurthy & S.K. Kumar, 2015 Role of Ethno-Veterinary Practices (EVP) in reduction of Antibiotic residue – a case study. Paper presented in the International conference “Role of veterinary Ayurveda and ethno-veterinary practices in reducing use of antibiotic and other chemical veterinary drug in dairy farming” April 30th& May 1, 2015 Trans-Disciplinary University (TDU),74/2 Jarakabandekaval, Attur post, via Yelahanka, Bangalore-560 064, Karnataka, India 13. Nair M N B, N Punniamurthy* and S K Kumar 2017. Ethno-veterinary practices and the associated medicinal plants from 24 locations in 10 states of India RRJVS/Journal of VeterinarySciencesVol.3(2),16-25. 14. Nair M N B, Punniamurthy N, Mekala P, Ramakrishnan N and Kumar SK.2017. Ethno-veterinary Formulation for Treatment of Bovine Mastitis, RRJVS/ Journal of Veterinary Sciences S1. 25-29. 15. Punniamurthy N ,Sujatha P L , Preetha S P & N. ramakrishnan. analysis of the mechanism of action by molecular docking studies of one ethno-veterinary herbal preparation used in bovine mastitis IJANS. ISSN(P): 2319-4014; ISSN(E): 2319-4022 Vol. 6, Issue 5, Aug – Sep 2017; 23-30 16. Nair MNB, Punniamurthy N, Seethakempanahalli K. Role of ethno-veterinary practices (EVP) in reducing antimicrobial resistance in livestock production systems: a field experience. Planta Med 2015; 81: SL3C_06 (Abstract) 17. N Punniamurthy Natesan1, M Nrayanan B Nair2A decade of clinical research and applications of ethnoveterinary knowledge in India – the pragmatic way of facilitating medicinal plants to replace synthetics in animal health and productionPlanta Med 2016; 82(S 01): S1-S381 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1596155 ( Abstract) 18. Punniamurthy, N. Ramakrishnan,N. Nair MNB *and Vijayaraghavan,S* In-vitro antimicrobial activity of ethno-veterinary herbal preparation for mastitis.Dairy and Vet Sci J 3(2): JDVS.MS.ID.555607 (2017) 19. Suresh Bharat, Punniamurthy N and Nair M N B 2018, DhanwantharamKashayam for preventing post-partum complication in cross bred cows. Dairy and Vet Sci J 5(4):JDVS MS 555666 (2018) 20. Kumar S K1, Deepa P M2, Punnimurthy N3, MNB Nair4 2018. Prevention of mastitis in cattle during dry period using herbal formulation. RRJVS | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | June, e-ISSN:2581-3897 21. M N Balakrishnan Nair 2019.Ethnoveterinary science and practices for reducing the use of antimicrobial and other veterinary drugs in veterinary practices. EC veterinaru sciences Reco.01 16-17 Books: 1. Nair, M N B .Wood anatomy and major uses of wood – Published by Faculty of Forestry, University Putra Malaysia, 1998 2. I have prepared the text and illustrations dealing with plant anatomy for Biology Textbook for class XI and XII for the NCERT, 1987-99. 3. Nair, M N B. N. Punnyamurthy. &Kumar.S.K2016. Ethno-veterinary treatment Guide. TDU, Bangalore (Malayalam) 4. Kumar. S.K., M N B Nair & N. Punnyamurthy 2016. Primary health care of animals and medicinal plants. TDU, Bangalore (Kannada) 5. Girish Kumar V. &M N B Nair 2016. Medicinal plants & primary health care TDU, Bangalore.ISBN:978-93-84208-02-08 6. Punnyamurthy N, Nair M N B. & Kumar. S.K 2016. User Guide on Ethno-veterinary Practices. TDU, Bangalore. ISBN978-93-84208-03-05 Edited Volumes: 1. Nair, M.N.B. & Nathan Ganapathy 1998. Proceedings: Medicinal plants: Cure for the 21st century. Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 2. Nair, M.N.B.&MohdHamamiSahri, 1998. .Proceedings: Sustainable management of Non-wood forest products. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, Serdang. Contemporary relevance of ethnoveterinary medical traditions of India, FRLHT Bangalore 3. Nair, M.N.B. 2005. Contemporary relevance of ethnoveterinary medical traditions of India. Proceedings on the national seminar Oct 17-18. FRLHT, Bangalore 2005 4. Nair M.N.B. and N.Punyamurthy 2010 (Eds.) Proceeding of the International workshop on Ethno-veterinary Practices at Thanjavur) – I-AIM, Bangalore Asparagus recemosus root 250 grams /day very good galactogoge Ipomia mauritiana extremely good - the swollen root 250 /day
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
18 de julio de 2020
My personal opinion on galactagog is very precise If the cow is producing its optimum capacity no need of disturbing that by using any additional material if the cow is producing below its capacity because of some imbalance you could use herbal supplement Asperagus 250 grams for 15 days or Ipomea mouritiana root 250 gra per day for 15 days
Lorenzo Quesnel
Perry Brook Dairy Farm
8 de agosto de 2020
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair Can a 10:1or a 20:1 hot water extract asparagus racemosus be used as a galactogogue at lower quantity to delete some transportation costs from overseas?
Manget Ram Garg
National Dairy Development Board
National Dairy Development Board
23 de julio de 2020
Herbs based treatment for clinical and sub-clinical mastitis has a great future. We are well aware of the indiscriminate use of antibiotics for mastitis treatment, which is causing antimicrobial resistance in human beings consuming milk with antibiotics residues. Moreover, damage caused to the udder and the teats is often irreversible. Since we aim at improving productivity of dairy cattle, for obvious reasons incidences of mastitis are likely to increase. For this reason, we tried Aloe vera based ointment and an oral supplement. We got wonderful results for curing mastitis, including fibrosis of the udder. Since Punjab has a very large population of high yielding dairy animals, we plan to use this Ethno Veterinary based aurvedic treatment on a large scale, under the Milkfed, Verka.
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
29 de julio de 2020
Yes we have worked with Verka dairy and hope to interact more one of the feedbacks I am getting now is that during the COVID 19 period the household herbal formulations were very handy to the poor farmers to manage the health of their animals even without the veterinarians service. we are now planning a webnair / 2 hour workshop for the public who would like to communicate with us and clarify on management of Mastitis the date and time will be informed soon people who are interested can register nair.mnb@tdu.edu.in Nair
Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan
5 de agosto de 2020
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair timely initiative
Manget Ram Garg
National Dairy Development Board
National Dairy Development Board
6 de agosto de 2020
One company near Ahmedabad is commercially manufacturing Aloe Vera based ointment and oral supplement for treating mastitis at sub-clinical and clinical levels which I understand is being used by Amul with excellent results under field conditions. We too used these preparations in Punjab with excellent results. For large scale use, such a ready made stuff is very nice. However, it has also been tried locally at certain places with good success but for large scale use ready made stuff is very handy.
Shahid Anees Sandhu
13 de agosto de 2020
Dear Sir please detaile Aloe Vera based ointment and oral supplement for treating mastitis at sub-clinical I want to manufacturing
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
6 de agosto de 2020
I have developed a spray and ready for marketing It is delayed because o corona we have 3 products ready
18 de agosto de 2020
The solution is NO mastitis. Remember US of A has a separate Board for Mastitis Control. Once an animal is affected by mastitis, the entire economics of rearing an animal for milk goes for a toss. Unfortunately, we are still peddling mastitis treatment. It is akin to collecting the milk which has got spilt on sand.
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
21 de agosto de 2020
Dear Sir Our herbal formulation is not only curative it is preventive also. WE already have one a paper published on prevention of dry cow mastitis, In every report we mention that this formulation is preventive and curative
Stanley Towett
24 de agosto de 2020
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair This product is not available in Kenya, how can I get it ?
Dr. mostafa soufizadeh
28 de octubre de 2020
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair Dear doctor, your work is a very happy place, but the result of your work should be seen on the farm, not in a published article
Raul Jesus Santivañez
Agropecuaria Tayanga
23 de agosto de 2020

Forum friends:

The best control of mastitis is to avoid or control in the best way the spread and/or contagion of them and not through the treatments, as well as avoiding the presentation of environmental mastitis through correct hygiene measures. By curing, however efficient the treatments are, the advance against the disease will be minimal.

Fraternal greetings from the north of Peru.


24 de agosto de 2020
Raul Jesus Very well said.
12 de diciembre de 2020

So to those who say that the only way to "cure" Mastitis is for the cow to never get it. That's a good option.
Except for the fact that there are cows (& other's animal's) that freshen for the first time that end up with it. Not because of unsanitary conditions or because someone else in the herd or group might have it. But simply (or maybe not so simply) because they turn out to be heavy milkers immediately. Meaning having an animal that bag's up quickly & big prior to her giving birth & getting larger after giving birth & that's their only issue as they've never given birth prior, not been around any other that might have had mastitis any prior time. So...

While it'd be nice to never have to deal with Mastitis ever again, the reality is that unless you sterilize the ground prior to having dairy animal's in there & then keep their teat's sterilized inside & out, we're going to deal with mastitis at some point.
The other thing that we have to deal with, especially once we have an animal that gets mastitis at least once, then we have to make sure that whichever bacteria has caused it, is 100% out of their system. As I read an article recently that stated a cow that's had mastitis can still harbor that bacteria, even when she's dry & it will reemerge once she's freshened.
So, if there's something that is not only curative but can be preventative, it's worth investigating & trying.

Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
24 de agosto de 2020
Dear Dr Stanley There are two possibilities 1. we can share the formulation and manufacture there or we can prepare here and send it to you in bulk and bottle and sell it there
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
24 de agosto de 2020
Dear Raul How are you ? hearing from you after a long time Hygiene is very important Bur you know the instance of too much control of streptococcus and staphylococcus which were easily treated was replaced then by E coli which is very difficult to treat and control. Therefore a holistic approach is every time better Nair
Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan
18 de diciembre de 2020
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair i agree with the comment
K G Piitie
11 de septiembre de 2020

request to give the ahmedabad co address for aloe vera ointment and oral . thanks

Manget Ram Garg
National Dairy Development Board
National Dairy Development Board
12 de septiembre de 2020
M/s Trieto Biotech Swagat Industrial Park, Plot No. 2, Opp Dharti Industrial Apollo Industrial Estate, on Chhatral Kadi Highway, DHANOT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382 729 Contact person: Mr Snehal Patel Email: trietobiotech@gmail.com M 00 91 97260 99646
Pradeep kumar jaiswal
15 de septiembre de 2020
I need mash poultry feed formulation wage formulation
Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
16 de septiembre de 2020

My mastitis spray will be available shortly. We got delayed because of COVID 19.
We only trained AMUL, Saberkanta vets to use this formulation.
I am waiting for the Shelf life and the toxicity study. we have completed a microbiome study before and after treatment to ensure and confirm that the mastitis is cured.
I assure that by end of the year the spray will be available in the market with full scientific backing.

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