Hello Dr. Blezinger, it is a very good article on this topic and I would ask you how frequently do you or any consultant may visit the same dairy farm operation? Or, maybe the best question is what kind of service apart from diet formulation and evaluation would be necessary in order to keep a continuous assistance to the farm in order to justify nutritionist payment? I am in Venezuela
Oswaldo Rosendo - my apologies for the delay getting back to you. I overlooked this post initially.
Very good questions and I can only tell you that there is no set answer for your questions. Consultants here in the US may visit a given farm once per week to once per month or possibly less (once per quarter) depending on the needs and wants of the farm. This has to be worked out between the dairy and the consultant. Services will also vary depending on the farm. These can include diet formulation for all groups or maybe only individual groups. I have worked with dairies that had different nutritionists for different groups of cattle. Another service, besides diet formulation, is to assist with monitoring of cows (production, feet, manure consistency, etc., etc. Oversight of quality control program, testing of forages, commodities, TMR, work with feeding personnel to ensure proper feed mixing and delivery. location and procurement of ingredients, evaluation of additives and other feed ingredients, premix formulation and bidding to suppliers, economic evaluations, etc. Again, this will vary depending on the needs/wants of the farm. I've known consultants that were so involved they assumed a partial management role.
So this is very highly variable and will depend on what the farm wants or needs and the consultant's capabilities. I know for myself, every farm I work with is different.
Hope this helps.
I appreciate your fulfilling article about the consistency of dairy ration required for performed rumen and milk flow. That includes most point should be considered by dairymen.
Thank you Dr. Blezinger,
It is a very complete answer, and I feel very satisfied. On my own experience, it all depends on the farmer, and just a few really want to look or pay for consultants here in Venezuela. There have been occasions where they requested for specific kind of problems that involve metabolic imbalances but after the first approach, they quit. So I think I have not been able to convince them enough for a regular and constant monitoring activities. Well, once again, thanks a lot.