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Impact of dietary potassium diformate on bacterially challenged tilapia under commercial conditions

Published: August 22, 2018
By: Christian Lückstädt, ADDCON GmbH
Impact of dietary potassium diformate on bacterially challenged tilapia under commercial conditions - Image 1

First published at the 18th ISFNF conference (International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding), in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, from 3rd to 7th June 2018.
Global production of farmed tilapia in more than 140 countries exceeded 5.7 million t in 2017, an increase of almost 130 percent in ten years. This tremendous growth in production requires high-quality fish feeds. Dietary organic acids, and especially potassium diformate (KDF) – the most widely tested organic acid salt in aquaculture, are among the various alternatives spearheading the drive towards environmentally friendly and nutritionally-sustainable aquaculture, which improves performance and survival of fish. Dietary KDF has been used in tilapia aquaculture since 2005. Trials on its antimicrobial impact (e.g. against Vibrio spp. or Streptococcus agalactiae) were previously mainly carried out under research conditions only. This study is among the first to analyse the impact of the additive on juvenile tilapia in commercial cage culture under challenged grow-out conditions in Northern Malaysia. That area had been previously reported to be a location of mass mortalities of tilapia, caused by S. agalactiae.
Material and methods: A trial was carried out to observe the impact of KDF on fish mortality, caused by higher bacterial levels in the water, among them S. agalactiae, using Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus,  of approx. 450 g live weight. Water temperature of the lake was 30°C throughout the trial. Two cage systems, located next to each other (each HDPE cage with a volume of ~1885 m3 ) were used for the study. One system served as the negative control, whereas fish in the other system were fed the commercial diet (31% CP) which included 0.4% KDF. The duration of the trial was 60 days; monitoring of mortality (number of fish and biomass) started on day 27 after feeding the additive. Data were subjected to statistical analysis and a significance level of 0.05 was used in all tests. 
Results and discussion: Tilapia fed with 0.4% KDF had significantly lower mortality numbers compared to the control (P=0.023) – as measured over a period of 33 days (Fig. 1). Furthermore, the overall biomass lost due to mortality was also significantly reduced (P=0.005) due to the inclusion of KDF (Fig. 2). The weight of the dead fish did not differ between control and treatment (P=0.78).
Impact of dietary potassium diformate on bacterially challenged tilapia under commercial conditions - Image 2
The results show that under commercial conditions in Malaysia, survival rates in tilapia fed with dietary potassium diformate (traded as Aquaform, ADDCON) are improved during bacterial challenge as measured by mortality numbers and biomass, confirming data from laboratory trials.
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Christian Lückstädt
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Christoph Hutter
Christian Lückstädt
2 de octubre de 2018

Dear Dr. Francis, dear Dr. Banerjee,
There has been numerous information on the use of KDF in various fish and shrimp species since several years. The trial reported above is yet another study, this time reporting the impact of the additive under field conditions in tilapia with a bacterial stressor. You will certainly agree with me that it is always tricky to establish completely randomized designs if you are using large scale commercial farms for a test. On the other hand, we had already reported in a meta-analysis back in 2012 on the average impact of KDF on tilapia performance. Thus the dosage range was known - and varied from 0.2% till 0.5%. Since the customer reported issues with bacteria related mortalities, we choose 0.4% as an effective dosage.
Regarding the information on carps, as requested by Dr. Banerjee... yes, we had carried out trial in Common carp in Europe. Here, we were able to see with a dosage of 0.5% improved FCR, PER as well as phosphorus and nitrogen retention. Hope this helps in better understanding the use of dietary potassium diformate in fish.

3 de octubre de 2018

How to use kdf in shrimp pellet feed after manufacturing?

shaik karimulla
2 de octubre de 2018
Kdf is a miracle product for mortalities in aquaculture.
Durojaiye Abiola
6 de septiembre de 2018

A very good study! The information provided is excellent. However, it would be good if the number of treatments is increased to test for variability. Again, good job!

Biplab Banerjee
29 de agosto de 2018

Dr. Christian presented a valuable information on KDF. 4%KDF in feed treatment showed an encouraging result on Tilapia, o.k. fine. In a country like India where IMC is of top most choice, whether we can expect the same result?

 Anani A. Francis
28 de agosto de 2018

Results are quite encouraging. The concern I have about the study is that a single cage system (experimental unit) was used per Treatment. Each Treatment should have been replicated at least twice so that variability associated with each could be estimated. Besides, the researchers should have also varied the inclusion levels of the additive so as to establish the level that gives the best results. Just studying a single dosage of the additive is not scientifically robust enough. What informed their choice for the 0.4% inclusion level of the KDF?

Hence, I suggest that the Scientist(s) repeat the study with sufficient replicates of both the Treatment and the inclusion levels of the additive so as to make the findings more conclusive.


Mohamed AbdElmohsen
Egavet Company
28 de agosto de 2018

Nice data please Dr. Christian I hope to send for me copy from this paper special with me in Egypt. Need to apply this trial in my work at fish research center. Suez canal University ismailia city. Egypt.
Best regards
Your friend Mohamed Abd Elmohsen

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