There is a huge problem found of Inclusion Body Hepatitis/Hydropericardium Syndrome in comercial broiler farming and mortality found after 27 days with no control under any drug and it´s increasing. If you have any idea please share it with me.
Sunil kamble
Do not use any antibiotic, use only immunobooster (Vitamin E with Selenium combination), liver tonics, liquid toxin binder. Spray chemicals/disinfectants permissible in presence of birds.
Is inclusion body hepatitis and hydropericardium syndrome are occurring together always?
For IBH Control feed. Not give any type of vitamin to the birds. Only use Livor tonic and spray antibacteria medicines.
They are two types of infection ibh and hhs hydropericardium syndrome, I think vitamin A livertonic probiotics, vitamin c and toxicity ki medicine help for recovery and triple salt spry in bird if outbreak viral is controlled very difficult.