Prompt diagnosis is the first step in prevention and control of poultry disease. LPAI is endemic among poultry. As per Alexander, bacteria free filterate showing Ha activity not neutralised by ND antiserum is only orthomixo virus and not paro mixovirus. This examination can be done in any clinical laboratory. As per govt of India circular 2004 state, veterinary colleges are approved influenza diagnostic laboratories for avian influenza not implemented.
Variant IB nephro pathogenic IB is endemic in India. But as per govt of India report to OIE that there is no incidence of AI in India over a decade. But in India, there are more than 10 university publications on confirmed cases IB based on report of referral laboratory. Since 1900 there is no law in India covering poultry. In both central and state animal health laws word animals does not include poultry. In Australia, formalin fixed pancreas smears sent by post results are made available in a matter of hours. Under field conditions dip stick ELISA is available. Prophylactic vaccination is prohibited in all countries but freely used in India. Vaccination is done after identification of type of infective virus-not followed in India.
A.T. Venugopalan.