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Participation in Forum on October 13, 2020
Chris Morrow Welcome Dr Chris you are one of the opt person to be asked clarification. The very high IDEXX MG titers in production flocks that are vaccinated with TS 11 continuously for 3 years.There is no signs and lesions of it in breeders and progenies.can you explain?
Participation in Forum on December 21, 2019
Sir are you talking about prophylactic vaccination of AI or IB?
Participation in Forum on April 4, 2018
Hello Dr.As you know the breeder DOC imported from Europe, esp France are not carrying any maternal antibodies against AIV; In countries like KSA what may be the initial strategy of immunization of such chicks.?Further most authors claim that the HA of field and vaccine strain should be homologous to get the protection from the vaccine.Then how could we use a commercial vaccine which may not homol ...
Participation in Forum on April 4, 2018
MOTI LAL TRAKRU In case of ND vaccines all r made of one serotype;whats ND VARIANT inactivated?
Participation in Forum on October 18, 2012
In a naive multi age rearing and nearby breeder complex what is the protocol of introducing either Mg or Ms vaccines?
Participation in Forum on October 16, 2012
I am aware that there is no concrete global guidelines for the acceptable limits of different kinds of mycotoxins in commercial broiler and breeder diets as they are acting additively;If u share some information in this matter I would be much thankful
This member had joined Engormix
October 13, 2012
equalizer Statistics: Forums(6)
Location:Riyadh, Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia
Profile: Professional