Avian nephritis virus is a new circulating virus in Europe, Australia, and Japan, this virus lead to growth retardation of young chickens by causing interstitial nephritis. Investigation was done in 5 Egyptian governorates (North Sinai, El-Minoufiya, ElGharbia and El-Behera and Kafr-Elsheikh) on 28 broiler chicken flocks and all the flocks were negative for Avian nephritis virus. In addition, we continued the detection of IBV in the same 28 broiler chicken flocks, resulting that 11 flocks out of 28 flocks, were positive for IBV. Regarding spike glycoprotein (S1) gene, sequencing was done to 5 isolates, which showed that they belonged to Eg/12120s/2012 spike glycoprotein (SP1) gene variant 2. Protectotyping was done using 2 isolates, and 3 types of IB live attenuated vaccines (H120, Ma5, IB primer). In conclusion, this study recorded the extensive circulation of variant 2 IBV in Egyptian broiler chickens. Regarding the pathogenicity of the tested variant and cross protection with available live IB vaccines, it was clear that there no complete cross-protection against IBV isolates although of using live attenuated IB vaccines so there a need for further studies to define a more effective program for IB control.
Key words: avian nephritis, infectious bronchitis viruses in broilers in Egypt
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Does the h9n2 play role to increase the lose of I.b and how to early controle to early lnfection of h9n2?
Infectious Bronchitis has been always a big challenge in prevention and control the disease. The intensive farming tech. has added and increased the bio burden to a level that almost every flock gets exposed to it. The early exposure to immunosuppressive agents adds to increase the severity of the disease. The problem has also been observed all over the world including US, which has more severity than rest. The common techniques used over there is use of auto vaccines, has also been of little help. The disease needs to be addressed judiciously with all care, taking utmost care at biosecurity, control of immunosuppressive agents, serological (antibody) monitoring and vaccination and subsequent monitoring of same.