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Vaccination Against Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease in poultry

Find the Best Way to Vaccination Against Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease

Published: December 27, 2012
By: Jenan Najdat Al-bazzaz (assis. Lecturer), Nawal Kamal Shokry Barzani (assis. Lecturer) and Ekhlas Salih Xoshnaw (assis.Lecturer) (Salahaden University).

A study to find best way of vaccination to protect from Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) was done in Girdereshe farm which belong to Agriculture College-Salaheddin University.

In the experiment 240 chicks of Cobb broiler breeder reared and the birds divided in to 4 groups (60 bird/group) as follow: control group which vaccinated just against Newcastle Disease (ND) with Lasota strain via drinking water (DW) at 10, 20 and 30 days of age. The group 2 (T1) was vaccinated against ND as control group in addition to vaccination against IB with MA5 strain at one day of age via coarse spray and vaccination against IBD via DW method with D78 strain at 7 and 14 days of age, while group 3 (T2) was vaccinated against ND as pervious groups as well as vaccination against IB with MA5 strain at one day of age by coarse spray, then by DW with 4-91 strain at 17 days of age, in addition of vaccination against IBD via DW at 7 and 14 days of age with D78 strain.

The last group 4 (T3) vaccinated by some way of pervious groups against ND, in addition to vaccination against IB via coarse spray with 4-91 strain at 1 days of age pulse vaccination against  IBD via DW at 7 and 14 days of age with D78 strain.

The mortality rate of experimented was with normal range about 10 % and mean of body weight was 2.4 kg at 42 days.

The results of study indicate the group T1 show best antibodies titer against the diseases when compared with titers of antibody of other groups which mean that the ways used with the groups and the strain which choose to be given in the vaccine of the virus induce high titer of antibodies against the both diseases IB and IBD when blood sample tested at 35 days of age by ELIZA technique after ending vaccination program.

Infectious Bronchitis consider one of the epidemic respiratory diseases over the world infected poultry in different stage of age, instead of its respiratory but can infected genital tract of female layer and parent breeder leading to produce bad eggs quality as well as decrease production level their target specially in mature birds leading to swelling of kidney, finally high mortality [1]
Causative agent of this disease is belong to corona virus family, RNA virus, its diameter about 50-100 nanometer enveloped and has hrawish spiks play important role in cell infection also in immune stimulation of host, therefore used in serological  classification and in agglutination inhibition (HI) test so use in the diagnosis of the disease [2].
Infectious Bronchitis virus characterized by appearance of heterogeneousstrains in different periods and this occur due to genetic mutation or re assortment between different strains of this virus and this belong to genes of  spiks which changed and this occur when the flock infected with more than one type of strain in the sometime so many strains appear otherwise the famous strain like Massachnesetts, Connecticut, thus new strains appear like lawa, American Arkansas and other European heterogenous strain like CR88, 4-91, D1416, 793B, D273, Italyo 2 and chines QX at 2002 [3].
About Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) it consider acute infectious disease which characterized by inflammation and partial atrophy of bursa of fibrishia with different stages of kidney so result in damage of important immune organs which lead to immunosuprisim and Failer of bird body to response to vaccine program [4].
The disease usually affect chicken at 3 weeks and over, we see white chalky material adhesion to the vent, while diarrhea, ruffled feather since the virus has high ability of resistance against the chemical and physical agents this prosperity clear the hard nature of the virus and its survival in the poultry houses even through cleaning and disinfecting procedures are followed [5].
Incubation period of disease IBD is short and clinical signs began with in 2-3 days after infection, when postmortem done for died bird we can see enlarged bursa with appearance of gelatinous material on its congested reddish which gradually atrophy which indicate destruction of lymphatic follicules of bursa caused by virus [6].
Morbidity reach to 100% while mortality reach up to 20-30 % this indicate the high economic losses caused by this diseases for this reason the vaccination is the best way to protect broiler from the virus as what say by [7] when they study different types of vaccines like live attenuated vaccines as well as immune complex type vaccines induced full immunity and their replication, if effective seems to protect the chickens against any further filed infection including with antigenic ally different viruses.
Material and Method
In the experiment we used Cobb chicks at one day of age and reared in Girdereshe farm in agriculture college- Salahdden university for about 42 days, the birds divided in to 4 equal groups, 60 chick for each group, the birds on litter separated from each other and added the feed and water adlibitum.
The ratio was given from first day which contain 22% crude protein and  3003 %  kcal energy until 14 days of old, then replaced with grower ratio which contain 20% crude protein and  2968 %  kcal energy until 21 days of age, so replaced with finisher ratio which contain 18% crude protein and  2985 %  kcal energy until slaughter day.
The groups had been divided by following way:
Group 1 Control group: which vaccinated just against Newcastle Disease (ND) with Lasota strain at 10, 20 and 30 days of age by drinking water.
Group 2 (T1): which vaccinated against ND at 10, 20 and 30 days of age as in control group, in addition to vaccinated against Infectious Bronchitis(IB) at 1 day of age by spray way (coarse spry) with MA5 strain and vaccinated against Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) at 7 and 14 days of age with D78 strain.
Group 3 (T2): which vaccinated against ND at 10, 20 and 30 days of age as in control group and T1 group, in addition to vaccination against IB at one day of age by coarse spry with MA5 strain, then at 17 days of age with strain 4-91 by drinking water way. Also this group vaccinated against IBD at 7 and 14 days of age by drinking water with D78 strain.
Group 4 (T3): which vaccinated against ND at 10, 20 and 30 days of age as in the previous groups, in addition to vaccination against IB at one day of age with 4-91 strain by coarse sprays well as vaccination against IBD with D78 strain by drinking water way.
Notification: all vaccines were given from Intervet company for vaccine and drug production.
Notices and measures taken in this experiment as follow: 
Find the Best Way to Vaccination Against Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease - Image 1
Result and Discussion  
When we notice table No (1) which show different methods of vaccination used in the experimental study against ND, IB and IBD disease, its appear which method is the best one and choose the correct strain and time as show in the table No (2) in details the titer of Antibodies (Abs) which formed against different diseases that we try to study them.
Table No (1): Groups of treatment birds , study of different Intervet vaccines and vaccination methods in Broiler Chickens. 
Find the Best Way to Vaccination Against Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease - Image 2
Group 2 (T1) as appear in table No (2) which vaccinated against IB disease at one day of age by MA5 strain by coarse spry method show highest titer of Abs against the disease when blood sample tested by ELIZA test when compared with the results of other groups T2, T3  and control group (which doesn’t vaccinated against the disease) that mean this method (coarse spry at one day of age with MA5 strain) induced high immunity and the level of Abs in this group higher significantly (P 0.05) comparable with Abs titers in group 3 (T2) coarse spry with MA5 at one day of age and vaccination with 4-91 strain by drinking water method  at 7 days old and titers of Abs in group 4 (T3) vaccinated with 4-91 strain ,these result agree with [8]  when he used different strains of IB virus by drinking water and coarse spry in two different broiler breeder farm, he was found that the breed which vaccinated with more than one strain and method show less level of Abs when he take blood samples to evaluate titers by HI and gel precipitating test at 10 week of age.
Table No (2): the level of immunity (Abs titers) against Infectious Bronchitis in the broiler chickens.
Find the Best Way to Vaccination Against Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease - Image 3
Table No (3) show the result of vaccination program against IBD which appear that group 3 (T2) induce high titer of Abs against the disease when compared with group 2 (T1) and group 4 (T3) with significantly differences, this may be belong to material antibodies titer that appear different at one day of age and the differences was significantly (P 0.05) between groups, so group 3 (T2) which show lower maternal antibodies titer result highest level of immunity Abs than other group which have higher maternal antibodies, that mean this high titer of Abs may be interfere with level of Abs that induced via vaccination at 7 days of age so lead to lower Abs titer after vaccination, these results agree with what seen by[10] when he was study the advantage of recombinant viral vector vaccines rHVT/MD,ILT and IBD virus improving that maternal antibodies may interfere with onset of immunity in chicken vaccinated at an early age.
Table No (3): the level of immunity (Abs titers) against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) in the broiler chickens.  
Find the Best Way to Vaccination Against Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease - Image 4
The same result notice when we look to table No (4) which show titer of Abs obtain against ND virus, even there are no significant differences between Abs titer of groups but group 2 (T1) which has lower titer of maternal antibodies show best titer of Abs after vaccination program when blood samples tested at 35 days of age.
Table No (4): the level of immunity (Abs titers) against Newcastle Disease in the broiler chickens.  
Find the Best Way to Vaccination Against Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease - Image 5
1- Cavanagh, D. and Naqi, S. A. (1997). Infectious Bronchitis in : Disease of poultry, 10th edition, Iowa state University press, Ames, Iowa 50014, pp: 511- 526.
2- Schwartz, L. D. (1994). Viral disease in: Poultry health hand book. 4th edition. Pennsylvania state University, pp: 102- 104.
3- Saif, Y. M., Fadly, A. M., Glisson, J. R., Mc Douyald, L. R. Nolan, L. K. and Swayne, D. E. (2008). Infectious Bronchitis In: Disease of Poultry 12th edition, Black well publishing.
4- Lukert, P. D. and Saif, Y.M. (1997). Infectious Bursal Disease in: Disease of poultry, 10th edition. Iowa state Idniversily press, Ames, Iowa 50014, pp: 721-738.
5-Butcher, G. D. and Miles, R. D. (2011). Infectious Bursal Disease      (Gumboro) in commercial Broilers University of Florida internet engormix –com- mht.
6- Dinev, I. (2007). Infectious Bronchitis (IB) in: Disease of poultry a colour  , second edition published by cem, pp: 45-53.
7- Gardin, Y., Palya, V., Cazabam, C., Lozano, F., Alva, B., El Attrache, J. and Dorsey, K. M. (2011). Vaccines and vaccination against Gumboro disease: the key points, xxll Latin American poultry congress from internet. www.engormix.com.
8- Macdonald, J. W., Dogles, M.D., Me Martin, D. A., Randall, C.J. Pattison, M., Early, J. L. and Aubrey, S. (1982). Field observations on serological responses to vaccine strains of IB virus administered by coarse spray and via the drinking water. Avian Pathology (Impact Factor: 1.65) 02/1982.
9- SAS. (2005). SAS/STAT “User’s Guide for Personal Computers, Release 8.00. SAS. Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
10- Hein, R. G. (2011). Issue of Poultry recombinant viral vector vaccines which may cause an effect on the economic benefits of those vaccines, xvll vet. Poultry Association congress in Cancun, Mexico.
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Jenan Najdat Al-bazzaz
Haider Mansour
11 de abril de 2013

Haider Mansour
Doctor in vet hospital in Najaf /Iraq
These programs especially IB vaccine is not useful in my country because these strains don't match with the local strain.
To get a good vaccine for IB you must isolate the local strain and make from it vaccine this your method applied in my area and failure it.

Shabina Begum
7 de marzo de 2013

I am the student of M.Sc poultry science, my research topic is related to infectious bronchitis and vaccine preparation against IBV. I want you let me know how can I propagate the IB virus in laboratory for vaccine production? and what is the best method of killing this virus to prepare killed vaccines?

Ahmed Sayed Hamouda
19 de enero de 2013

From my field experience in Egypt and other Arab countries , always using a dead vaccine at day old of IB-ND-IBD
0.2 ml S/c at day old specially in endemic areas simultaneously with the recommended doses of life vaccines for the same mentioned diseases. This method of vaccination will be reflected on mortality rates, body gain & FCR

Modupe Osuolale
18 de enero de 2013

Article presentation is good and timely. In table no 2, we got post vaccination titre for Treatment 1 as 1542, are we sure it is a protective titre. Though protective level differs from one elisa kit to other, i think it should b min of 5000.

Dr. Phan Quang Vinh
15 de enero de 2013
Engormix should have someone to review technical articles before posting. serious errors in data analysis and interpretation send a wrong message to readers.
13 de enero de 2013

So it's better not to vaccination unless isolation of local strain of IB and prepare vaccines from them, because of unsuitabile vaccine lead to emerging new varient strains (rolling factor) and it's immunosuppressive effect on local immunity of Newcastle disease which is most important disease than IB in Iraq and kurdistan region.

13 de enero de 2013

Regardless of all vaccination programs, whether this program is good or that program, first of all I hope we isolate the local strains and prepare vaccines from them then applying the best program, because antigenic variation can induce failures on the vaccination processes due to the difference of antigenic structures between vaccinal and field viruses, many out breaks of IB appeared in most provinces in Iraq, it was thought that they were due to vaccination with unsuitable strain of IB, all the IB vaccines, which used are commercially imported and are not matched with serotypes that exist in layers and broilers in Iraq and kurdistan region. Consequently, this may emerge new variant strains of IB viruses, also there are many publications revealed that IB vaccines have immunosuppressive effect on local immunity of Newcastle disease vaccines.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)
10 de enero de 2013

Nice article but I have a comment on Ab titer in Table(3) regarding vaccination at age 7 days without to determine the optimal time of immunization may give you the result will be affected with maternal Ab and will give this difference, I hope for you all the best.

Dr. Phan Quang Vinh
10 de enero de 2013

The author misinterpreted the results in Table no.2 for 1 day of age class. Vaccine effects could not be demonstrated since unvaccinated controls had the same non-significant antibody titer as compared to vaccination ones. Else, you could make a mistake in running your ELISA since control titers of unvaccinated controls were always found and at high levels.
Multiple range tests among treatments were wrongly indicated for 1 day of age class in Table Nos 3 and 4. For instance, G3 was A (4929) , G1 was B (2943) then it impossible that G2 with titer of 5451 was AB ( Table 3).
Better rewrite the article and consult someone on statistical analysis and data interpretation.

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