Gonzalo Mateos and Mariano Miyakawa at AFGA 2023 Nutrition Seminar
Published:May 4, 2023
Source :Engormix.com
The nutrition seminar organized annually by the Alabama Feed and Grain Association held its 2023 edition in Huntsville (Alabama, USA). The meeting featured prominent speakers, including Dr. Gonzalo Gonzalez Mateos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and Dr. Mariano Miyakawa (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Argentina).
Drs. Gonzalo Gonzalez Mateos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and Mariano Miyakawa (INTA, Argentina)
The seminar was held on April 25, 26 and 27 at The Westin Huntsville, where attendants and experts discussed the current challenges and opportunities of the broiler industry and egg production, the quality of feed pellets for broilers, trends in the use of plant-based products for poultry health, the current market of ingredients and the world of biotics in animal production, among other topics.
Dr. Gonzalo Gonzalez Mateos spoke on the role of antioxidants of vegetable origin in poultry health and productive performance, and Dr. Mariano Miyakawa on tannins as feed additives.
Dr. Mariano Miyakawa speaking to the audience at the 2023 AFGA Nutrition Seminar
The event was organized by the Alabama Feed and Grain Association (AFGA), a non-profit trade association representing every segment of the feed and grain industries in Alabama. AFGA was organized in 1983 when members of the Alabama Feed Association and Alabama Grain Dealers Association unanimously voted to merge their organizations to form the Alabama Feed and Grain Association. The additional strength gained by this merger enabled this Association to be an effective “spokesperson” for the Alabama Feed and Grain Industry.
Other Association activities include serving as the industry watchdog for any state or federal legislation affecting the feed and grain industries, source of information for industry on industry matters, annual convention, web site for current events, and AF&GA scholarships provided to young people entering the field of agriculture are evidence of dedication to the growth, development, and improvement of the feed and grain industry. The Alabama Feed and Grain Association seeks to ensure the most favorable business conditions for its membership by uniting the strength of individual members.
The AF&GA is associated with the National Grain and Feed Association and the American Feed Industry Association. It is directed by a 17-member Board representing all segments of the industry.