While broiler breeders are chickens, and they are susceptible to the same diseases that affect other chickens (broilers, layers, purebred, small flock, etc.), they tend to have specific diseases with only a few in common with those of other types of chickens. Exceptions, based on our diagnostic accessions, are coccidiosis and infectious laryngotracheitis, which are diseases tha...
Dear Nitin Suryavanshi,
I have never heard of EODES. Could you please explain what this is? Is it common in India? Do you have any references or links about it?
Kind regards,
Curious Catharina
dear anna EODES is basically noticed in broiler breeders as a result of prolapse .high % of double yolk eggs .,internal ovulation ,resulting in egg peritonitis and mortality. high weight pullet t shows symptons of EODES, thanks
Thanks for good, informative article. However, all the disease or disease like problems are described for broiler breeders in deep litter. In India, we have majority of broiler breeders in cages. Do you have similar information for caged broiler breeders? Cloacitis what is described in this article is seen in more sever form in few cases in India. In some articles, it is described at "vent gleet". In caged breeders, there is no question of aggression by male, but clacitis cases are seen in a few farms. Do you have any such experience. Thanks.