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Disinfectants Against Avian Influenza Viruses

Published: November 9, 2017
By: David D. Frame, DVM, DACPV Utah State University Extension Poultry Specialist.
Important Basics
Before disinfecting any surface, make sure it is thoroughly clean. Cleaning is the most important part of the phrase “Cleaning and Disinfection,” or C&D. Disinfectants do not work, or work poorly, if dirt and feces are present. You are wasting your time and money applying disinfectant to dirty surfaces.
Thoroughly spray cleaned surfaces with the disinfectant solution. Wash off boots with soap and water (pressurized if available) and make sure there is no adhering mud and feces before stepping into a disinfecting foot bath. Change foot bath solution frequently; change immediately if it becomes highly contaminated with dirt and feces.
Place hand sanitizer stations at entrance of buildings and pens. Alcohol-based sanitizers are effective against AI virus. Get in the habit of disinfecting your hands every time you enter and leave
Below are listed a few disinfectants that are effective in inactivating the AI virus. Use them for general disinfection of equipment and in foot baths. Choose the disinfectant that works best in your operation as far as cost and availability; however, do not mix disinfectants. Always follow specific safety precautions listed on the product container. The choice of which disinfectant to use is less important than having things clean first. Remember that disinfectants are only a part of your complete biosecurity firewall.
Useful Disinfections
Household bleach (5% sodium hypochlorite)
  • Inexpensive and readily available.
  • Effective in hard water.
  • Can be used in a wide range of dilutions between 1:10 and 1:100.
  • May bleach clothing in higher concentration range.
  • Corrosive; long term use may degrade rubber parts.
  • Rapidly deactivated in organic matter.
  • Inactivated by soap and detergents.
Product use
  • Add 1 quart bleach to 6 gallons water. (This is a 1:25 dilution, which equals 200 ppm sodium hypochlorite.)
  • Use as a general disinfectant and for foot bath.
Iodine solutions
  • Stable in storage.
  • Relatively safe.
  • Effective with soap and detergents.
  • May be difficult to locate and purchase.
  • Corrosive.
  • May stain clothes and some surfaces.
Product use
  • For buildings and equipment: Use 1 ounce added to 5 gallons water.

  • Works in presence of organic matter and hard water.
  • Residual.

  • May be toxic to animals.
  • Can cause skin and eye irritation – wear appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, mask).

Product use:
Example 1 = BioSentry® BiopheneTM (Neogen Corporation)
  • For cleaning surfaces use 0.5 to 1.5 ounce/gallon water.
  • For boot bath use 1 ounce/gallon water.
Example2 = 1-Stroke Environ® (Steris® Corporation)
  • Use for foot bath and general disinfection of surfaces.
  • Add 0.5 fluid ounce/gallon of water solution.
Disinfectants Against Avian Influenza Viruses - Image 1
Figure 1. Example of a footbath, boots, and disinfectant. To be used after boots have been cleaned off with soap and rinsed with water
Oxidizing agents
  • May damage various metals.
Product use:
Example = Virkon® S (DupontTM)
For surface and equipment disinfection: Add ¾ cup to 5 gallons of water (1:100 dilution).
Disinfectants Against Avian Influenza Viruses - Image 2 Disinfectants Against Avian Influenza Viruses - Image 3
Figure 2. Example of a hand sanitizer dispenser that could be made available at entrances.                                                          Figure 3. Example of a hand pump pressure sprayer to apply disinfectant solution after thorough washing and rinsing of equipment.
Disinfectants Against Avian Influenza Viruses - Image 4
Figure 4. Small hand sprayer that can be used to spray disinfectant solution on small objects.
This article was published in Agriculture, Extension Utah State University, May 2015.
1. Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/hicpac/Disinfection_Sterilizatio n/6_0disinfection.html
2. Characteristics of Selected Disinfectants. The Center for Food Security & Public Health, Iowa State University. http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Disinfection/index.php
3. Biosentry® BioPheneTM Disinfectant Product Sheet. Neogen® Corporation, Lexington, Kentucky. http://www.neogen.com/AnimalSafety/pdf/ProdInfo /Tech_Bulletins/AS127.pdf.
4. 1-Stroke Environ® Germicidal Detergent. Steris® Corporation. http://webapi.steris.com/api/salesconnection/getdoc umentbynumber?id=5397&fileName=1- STROKE%20ENVIRON%20GERMICIDAL%20D ETERGENT.pdf.
5. Virkon® S Product Sheet. Dupont®. http://www2.dupont.com/Virkon_S/en_GB/index.ht ml.
Related topics:
David Frame
Utah State University
Utah State University
Ahmed Mohammed
4 de diciembre de 2017

I want to ask about mixing of iodine with soap or detergent. Is it still effective or loses its activity? Thanks.

Sataluri Satagopa Raja Ayyangar
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
16 de noviembre de 2017
Slaked Lime spray changes the PH by which smell also decreases.Pl check Turmeric solution for the same and let me know .
Tri Guntoro
15 de noviembre de 2017

Very simple for eradicated Avian influenza we can used slake lime for dipping usefull) also whitener.

Sataluri Satagopa Raja Ayyangar
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
14 de noviembre de 2017
1. Is there any guarantee that by using above Disinfectants only harmful bacteria well die without harming useful Bacteria ? 2. Frequently by using above disinfectants what will be the Environment effect ? 3.Cleanliness is most effective than all other Chemicals . 4.I request to think Echo free items by which the Future Generations will be healthy and strong . Thanking you .
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