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#Poultry industry
This member gave a presentation on July 31, 2021
At the following event:
2021 AAAP Virtual Annual Meeting
Article published the November 9, 2017
Important BasicsBefore disinfecting any surface, make sure it is thoroughly clean. Cleaning is the most important part of the phrase “Cleaning and Disinfection,” or C&D. Disinfectants do not work, or work poorly, if dirt and feces are present. You are wasting your time and money applying disinfectant to dirty surfaces.Thoroughly spray cleaned surfaces with the disinfectant solution ...
remove_red_eye 1481
forum 4
Participation in Forum on July 27, 2016
Nonfat instant powdered milk is to be used.
Participation in Forum on November 3, 2014
It is commonly stated that Marek's disease virus is present in most premises where chickens have been housed. It makes sense to assume that cleaning and disinfecting will reduce heavy exposure. Chickens can (and do) pick up virus; however, thus doesn't necessarily mean they will become ill -- in fact, most do not. Environmental conditions and breed/strain resistance play a significant role in MD a ...
Article published the October 18, 2013
Vaccination for certain diseases is an important component of the health management program for commercial meat turkey production. Because of logistical challenges almost all routine vaccination of meat turkey flocks is administered through the drinking water. Examples of diseases for which vaccination is performed include Newcastle disease, bordetellosis (turkey coryza), fowl cholera, and hemorrh ...
remove_red_eye 631
forum 2
Article published the October 17, 2013
This fact sheet is constructed to be used by local municipalities for training or as an evaluation tool in the permitting process for allowing poultry keeping in population-dense settings. It also serves as a condensed review of basic poultry keeping practices.Backyard chicken keeping is increasing in popularity. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps it is to have a ready source of eggs and mea ...
remove_red_eye 885
forum 1
Article published the October 17, 2013
Although the magnitude of economic value is usually much less in small standard-bred poultry operations compared to multimillion-dollar commercial chicken or turkey companies, there are still many reasons to protect your investment. Value is not always measured in simple dollar terms.As exhibition poultry producers, you have put much time and effort into your enterprise. Coops and pens have been b ...
remove_red_eye 594
forum 0
Article published the October 17, 2013
With an increase in backyard poultry raising, and even keeping poultry as pets, it is necessary to keep in mind proper health concerns in handling baby poultry. Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, peafowl, and game birds can harbor and transmit certain agents that might infect people. This fact sheet will review practices that will help minimize the chance for disease transmission between you and you ...
remove_red_eye 556
forum 0
Article published the October 16, 2013
What is it? Marek's disease (MD) is the most commonly diagnosed disease in backyard chickens. Many types of birds can be affected, but chickens seem to be the most susceptible. Marek's disease is caused by a herpes virus that results in tumors in various parts of the bird. Once infected, the birds become carriers for life. The virus is present everywhere in the environment where chickens are raise ...
remove_red_eye 3535
forum 6
This member had joined Engormix
October 11, 2013
equalizer Statistics: Articles(6)Forums(2)
Location:Manti, Utah, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Veterinary Doctor
Participations in events:
Followers (13)