I would like to know the term used "calcified seaweed". If you term it as if calcification of seaweeds are possible kindly let me know more about the weed which attract calcification and why? what is the proximate values of such seaweed at different ages of the weed? Kindly mention more information of such weed which you say these can be better for bio availability of ca to broiler or any other living species.
LTL analysis might be indicating the leg status for heavy body wt birds still reasons for sitting down in any situation may not be a confirm-able idea on leg weakness. Still more logical studies for such high grade experiments are needed perhaps to study the 40wk bone chemical analysis. The mortality % and bwt wt and FCR do not say that flock is sick or any health issue involved. When the genetic status could reach such body wt with fcr let us find out why the bird opted to sit down under analysis model? It was pain due to wt or any other reasons?
What is the view on oyster shell meal which is also a selected ingredient for ca preferred due to it's organic background than lime stone. If stone can be grind ed other can be also planned?
I am highly thankful to author who has designed a good experiment with a good idea for broiler. I do always feel if any living growth is possible with efficiency for human food let us think when to find target time for slaughter. If not cage housing would be a future scope for such birds than deep litter.
Thank you sir.
Dr M Rath
Dear sir,
It is nice to see the forum for the subject "Specialized marine seaweed for better bio-availability of calcium for heavy genotype broilers" so that the incorporation levels of Ca can be reduced for creating a compatibility for Phosphorous availability to bird. Phytase enzyme has been also supported the ration for more phosphorous availability from other ingredients for economical uses of phosphorous which are the targets of any feed industries now for environment too. My opinion is how to justify: 1- calcium from seaweeds in contest is more bio available to broilers when shell grits are also marine aqua products how far it is less efficient and why it is not tried? 2-Is the chemical structure of calcium from Sea weed is different than the usual caco3 which pass the intestine for contributing required calcium for broilers and layers? I am sure new area of such finding made would be beneficial only when a product come out which justify the bio-availability as compared with the cheaper products like lime stone and shell grits are mostly chosen for ca source for animals and birds. My question is if any technology can come up which will process the existing available ca source items for enhancing it's bio-availability for birds and dairy cattle then perhaps all will opt for it for effective utilization of phosphorous and effective production program. Further Phosphorous sources also contribute calcium pool like from DCP or MCP for animal from stone or bone processing technologies. It will be ideal to expect more detail information on the new product from sea weeds which looks like a unique herbal idea for meeting the ca requirements. The cost analysis would be required for using ca:P from different source but lameness in high body wt broilers if can be solved though such items then perhaps it will be ideal as more expenses are made for developing efficient genotypes to utilize ca and P from presently available feed grade sources. I am interested in knowing about the product back ground from the research team in future times. Thank you sir. Dr M Rath