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infectious bursal disease in poultry

Occurrence of infectious bursal disease after vaccination with a low-passage attenuated virus

Published: October 19, 2011
By: BM Santos*, MI Realpe, CG Pereira Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Departamento de Veterinária, Av. P.H. Rolfs s/n, CEP 36570-000, Viçosa, MG, Brazil

This article reports the occurrence of an infectious bursal disease (IBD) outbreak in layer pullets with 8 weeks of age, 4 days after vaccination with an attenuated low-passage virus vaccine. Clinical signs were characterized by signs of depression, anorexia, watery diarrhea, ruffled feathers, tremors, severe prostration and death. At necropsy, haemorrhages in skeletal muscles, gizzard and proventriculus mucosa, tumefaction of kidneys and gelatinous edema in the bursa were found. Histopathological lesions in the bursa consisted of inflammatory response with interfollicular edema, infiltration by heterophils, congestion, hemorrhage and necrosis of the follicles. This case showed that the clinical and histopathological lesions were a result of the formation of immune complexes similar to Arthus reaction.

Key Words: Infectious bursal disease, Viral diagnostics, Layer pullets

Infectious bursal disease, also known as Gumboro disease, has caused great economic losses in the poultry industry in different parts of the world due to mortality and immunosuppression. It is a contagious acute viral disease of young birds. The disease may be clinical with variable mortality, and subclinical without mortality. The clinical form of the disease occurs in birds from the third week of age and subclinical disease occurs when birds are less than 3 weeks old. The incubation period of the disease is very short and clinical signs are observed between 2 to 3 days after exposure. Immunosuppression is the main consequence of the infectious bursal disease (Santos et al., 2009). Injuries to the birds' immune system are more severe and difficult to reverse if they become infected before the third week, developing immunosuppression symptoms. In this case, the birds show increased susceptibility to infectious agents, so they may develop more diseases, in addition to not adequately responding to vaccines. If infection occurs after the third week of age, the birds tend to develop immunosuppression clinical signs that may not be as severe, with a tendency to recovery. This paper describes an outbreak of Gumboro in hens with eight weeks of age, four days after vaccination with the low-passage bursal disease virus.
Materials & Methods
The materials for this work were obtained from a batch of 10,000 commercial layer pullets of 8 weeks of age, with a history of increased mortality, decreased feed intake by 50%, diarrhea, tremors, apathy and prostration. Clinical signs began to be observed 4 days after vaccination against infectious bursal disease with low-passage attenuated virus.
Five birds with the above-mentioned clinical signs were sent to the Avian Health Study Unit of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Viçosa, which were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, followed by a gross examination; bursa samples were then taken for histological tests. For that purpose, samples were fixed in a neutral 10% formalin saline solution, buffered to pH 7.2 by following the routine histological techniques for paraffin embedding. The histological sections obtained were stained with hematoxylin eosin (HE) according to Luna (1968) and examined by light microscopy.
Results & Discussion
The birds showed clinical signs of depression, anorexia, tremors, watery diarrhea, dehydration, prostration (Figure 1) and ultimately death. The necropsy found hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue, and especially in the muscles of the leg and thigh regions (Figure 2). The hemorrhagic lesions were in the glandular portion of the proventriculus. The spleen was found enlarged and intestines showed a thick mucosa and excess mucus. The bursa, that is the target organ of the virus, was found enlarged and had a jelly-like material on the serosal surface (Figure 3).  The kidneys were congested, enlarged and with urates. The clinical signs and lesions mentioned were compatible with Gumboro in the clinical or acute form, characterized by symptoms of septicemia, which may be caused by toxic substances released by macrophages during infection by the infectious bursal disease virus (Van Der Berg, 2000).
Microscopically, the bursal lesions were characterized by edema, hemorrhage, necrosis of follicular cells and presence of large numbers of polymorphonuclear type inflammatory cells (Figure 4). These bursal lesions could be the result of the formation of immune complexes (Skeeles et al., 1979), because they resemble an Arthus reaction. This reaction is a type of immune injury induced by antigen-antibody complexes and complement (Tizard, 1998). These immune complexes stimulate tissue macrophages to secrete tumor necrosis factor, interleukins, platelet-activating factor, nitric oxide and free radicals. Immune complexes cause vascular lesions (Tizard, 1998), which justifies the presence of hemorrhage found in clinical disease. In addition, tissues damaged during the virus replication release vasoactive molecules that increase vascular permeability, including venules and capillaries resulting in local edema (Van Der Berg, 2000). It should be noted that viral infection stimulates macrophages to release interferon and other cytokines, which alter the response measured by cells of increasing the number of suppressor cells and reducing competition from helper T cells, which may be the cause of bird death (Tizard, 1998). We emphasize that the vaccine virus retains the original features of the field virus, being capable of causing infectious bursal disease by easily reversing to its pathogenicity (Santos et al., 2009). In addition, the susceptibility of the lineage of birds affected by the infection (Enterradossi & Saif, 2008) may have contributed to the exacerbation of the aggressiveness of the viral agent.
Figure 1. Birds with clinical signs of prostration, depression and dehydration
Occurrence of infectious bursal disease after vaccination with a low-passage attenuated virus - Image 1
Figure 2. Muscles of the leg and thigh with hemorrhages
Occurrence of infectious bursal disease after vaccination with a low-passage attenuated virus - Image 2
Figure 3. Enlarged bursa and jelly-like material on the serosal surface Enlarged congested kidneys and presence of urates
Occurrence of infectious bursal disease after vaccination with a low-passage attenuated virus - Image 3
Figure 4. Histological section of the bursa with necrosis of follicular cells, empty spaces, cellular debris, lymphocyte pyknosis, edema, congestion, hemorrhage and infiltration of heterophils in the interfollicular septa. Hematoxylin-eosin staining and 200x image
Occurrence of infectious bursal disease after vaccination with a low-passage attenuated virus - Image 4
The clinical or acute infectious bursal disease, as evidenced by this study, is characterized by septicemia. Macroscopic and microscopic aspects observed may be due to toxic products released by macrophages, which is related to an Arthus reaction.
Luna LG. 1968. Manual of histoloc staining methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. MacGraw-Hill. New York.
Enterradossi N & Saif YM. 2008. Infectious bursal disease. pp. 185-208. In Diseases of poultry, Saif YM, Fadly AM, Glisson JR, McDougald LR., Nolan LK, Swayne DE. ed. Ames: Blackwell publishing. Iowa USA.
Santos BM, Moreira MAS, Dias CCA. 2009. Manual de doenças avícolas. Editora UFV. Viçosa.
Skeeles JK, Lukert EV, De Buysescher OJ. 1979. Infectious bursal disease vírus infections. I.Complement and vírus-neutralizing antibody response following infection of susceptible-chickens. Avian Dis. 23:95-106.
Tizard IR. 1998. Imunologia veterinária. Ed. Roca. São Paulo Brasil.
Van Der Berg TP. 2000. An acute infetious bursal disease in poultry: a review. Avian. Pathol. 29:175-194.
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BM Santos
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Nadim Amarin
United Animal Health
17 de octubre de 2012
Thank you for sharing this case with us I just have some comments here:

In Jordan before 10 years one of my colelagues (Dr. Hisham Maaitah) did survey on infectious bursal disease (IBD) and he isolated the virus from clincal cases and from these viruses he found most of them related to vaccinal strain.

So my recommendation is to do more analysis on this strain

More over I agree with LEE to vaccinate IBD earlyier

The best for me threes time intermediate 14, 26, 35

Best Regards
Santiago Sievert Garcia
16 de octubre de 2012

One definite indication of an infectious bursal disease (IBD) is the presence of multiple disease gross lesions in postmortem conducted on mortalities in one flock. Infected birds likewise react severely to other vaccinations and commonly are associated with the presence of opportunistic bacteria (Colibacillosis). Suspect a failed vaccination for IBD when there are symptoms and gross lesions of several diseases in one flock especially if biosecurity is well in implemented and practiced.

Dr D. S. Shivdekar
26 de noviembre de 2012

Ibd can not be controlled by thumb rules. No vaccination programme can claim to be universal. Programme is to be tailor made for each occasion.
Age at which the disease strikes MAB status of chicks, virus load on farm, down times. concurrent chicken anemia all need to be considered before addressing problematic ibd presence on farms.
Dr shivdekar,

Dr. Mohammad khorshed
23 de octubre de 2012

Dr . vighane
the infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccination depen upon the daventer formela to test the mab and top bio-security and my suggestion is you go to vaccinate at 14 days only in IBDL VACCINES IS THE BEST


Dr. Vighane
20 de octubre de 2012
Dear Len Thanks for share. Well I have layers Novogen Brown. MAD titres are 2000. Second thing breeder farmer is not doing mid lay vaccination. Most important thing Leg bleeding ( on the onset of egg production there is severe leg bleeding, sometimes from thighs, neck) . In pm lesions I use to get MD cases. Please reply. Thanking you.
Simon Mwangi Karanja
19 de octubre de 2012

Dear all
The same case indicated above have been very common in kenya especially with small scale farmers lossing up to 90% of their flocks .am an animal health technician n am learning alot t through your news .i have learned how to handle this thanks a lot.

18 de octubre de 2012
Dr. Vighane:

May I know you are keeping Layers or Broiler??
Back to the basic, biosecurity play the most important role in disease management instead of vaccine. Since infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus considered a very hardy virus, please use proper disinfectant and follow the recommended dilution. Beside disinfection, you must also clean you farm thoroughly with proper detergent. I think a lot kind of farm use detergent in the market. Without proper biosecurity, don’t talk about vaccination program. Second thing, uniformity MDA of your chick (check with your chick supplier, maybe they do not hyperimmunized their herd)?? Multi source??? Have you ever check the MDA level of your chicks before decide a proper vaccination program for your herds. Before doing this, you actually perform a “Blind” vaccination and try to hit by chances. And other thing to look into is have your carry out the proper diagnosis for IBD, it may not IBD outbreak, MAYBE other disease. How’s the surrounding farms??? High challenge??? IF your farm is an high challenge area, please kindly use intermediate plus vaccine. Then if all the problems taken care, still have those vaccination failure problems, please also consider: “ Did your farm workers properly handle the vaccine??”; “Any immunosuppressive factor (CAV, REO, Marek, Mycotoxin…..etc)

Dr. Vighane
17 de octubre de 2012

Dear all
The same problem is in my farm I.e. Yammfy farms Nigeria. I am doing live vaccine on 3, 14 dAy as well as killed vaccine in day old. But still I have problem of infectious bursal disease (IBD). Usually mortality starts from 14 day is continue for 5 day.
So, request you all to suggest me something to control it.

Thanking you all.
Dr. Vighne

16 de octubre de 2012

Dear BM Santos:

No doubt from the clinical signs, post mortem lesions and histopathological lesion, this is an IBD infection in that particular herd. But this outbreak MAY not due to the low-passage attenuated virus vaccine used. It MAY be a co-incidence, and the problems flare up after the vaccination. Although reverse virulence of the low passage attenuated virus MAY occur, BUT have to bear in mind, to pin point the IBD outbreak is due to the low passage attenuated virus vaccine, you should perform PCR from the bursal sample to confirm the present of the "vaccine" virus at the bursa of the infected birds. Meanwhile, in your conclusion, “The clinical or acute infectious bursal disease, as evidenced by this study, is characterized by septicaemia.” it should be viraemia in viral infection. Another queries, is that a normal practice in Brazil (i suppose) to vaccinate the laying bird as late as 8 weeks old??? How about the infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccination program at the early age, IF at least 2 live IBD vaccination were given at the early age, it shouldn't be an problems to use a low passage attenuated virus vaccine....Just my 2 cents.


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