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Simple Summary: Due to the use of enzymes in the diet of broilers, antinutritional factors present in soybean meal, such as inhibitors of trypsin, can be reduced. Protease, for example, can reduce the inhibitors of trypsin in soybean meal and improve the performance of broilers. In this situation, this study aimed to evaluate the values of metabolizable energy (apparent and corrected for nitrogen balance) and amino acid digestibility of soybean meal samples from different regions, without and with the addition of protease in feeds for broilers with 14 to 28 days of age. The supplementation of soybean meal with protease resulted in higher values of metabolizable energy, both apparent and corrected by nitrogen balance. No interaction was observed between the factor’s soybean meal and enzyme for all of the variables presented. The protease supplementation improved (p < 0.05) the standardized ileal digestibility of essential amino acids compared to non-supplemented soybean meal, although the effect of protease varied among the amino acids. Protease supplementation in broiler diets may result in higher values of metabolizable energy and better digestibility of some essential amino acids.
Abstract: This study investigated the effect of the serine protease on metabolizable energy and amino acids’ digestibility of different soybean meal for broilers. A total of 684 broilers chickens form 14 to 23 d age were distributed with nineteen treatments, six replicates, and six birds per replicate. Nine samples of soybean meal from different regions in Brazil were used, with some samples supplemented with the protease enzyme and others without addition. Apparent and corrected-for-nitrogen-balance metabolizable energy were evaluated, as well as the coefficients of amino acid digestibility. All collected data were submitted to ANOVA at a significance level of 5% and Tukey’s test was applied. The results showed that the addition of the protease enzyme significantly increased the values of AME and AMEn in all soybean meal samples. The soybean meal of different origins has significant variations in AME and AMEn. The addition of the protease improved the digestibility of essential amino acids compared to soybean meal without enzyme addition. These results indicate that supplementation with serine protease can improve the metabolizable energy and amino acid digestibility of soybean meal from different regions in the diet of broilers, potentially being an effective strategy to enhance nutrient utilization and animal performance.
Keywords: enzyme; nutrition; poultry; protease; supplementation
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