Productive performance of broilers supplemented with tylosin phosphate or enramycin as growth promoters
Published:July 22, 2019
By:Sandra Espinoza C. 1, Eliana Icochea D. 1, Pablo Reyna S. 1, Viviana San Martín 1, Nelly Giovanna Cribillero B. 1, Daniel Molina M. 2. / 1 Laboratorio de Patología Aviar, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú; 2 ILENDER Perú S.A., Lima.
The productive performance of broilers supplemented with tylosin phosphate and enramycin as growth promoters up to 42 days of age was evaluated. Four hundred male broilers were distributed into 4 treatments of 100 birds with 5 repetitions each. The treatments were: T1, control; diet without antibiotic; T2, diet with 8% enramycin in a dose of 10 ppm; T3, diet with enramycin 8% in a dose of 5 ppm; T4, diet with tylosin phosphate 25% in a dose of 55 ppm. The treated groups presented a higher body weight and better feed conversion index and European productive efficiency index than the control group; however, there were no differences in body weight gain, feed intake and mortality.
Antibiotic was a great discovery, it made Livestock production easier and masked manage mental mistakes on farms around the world, but now antibiotic free meat is a golden opportunity, but question is still there which additives will be able to replace usage of AGPs, in general, Novel growth promoters should perform roughly equally at same cost as well under practical conditions in order to gain acceptance.