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Efficacy of phytogenic formulation (Animunin) for the management of respiratory viral infections in poultry birds

Published: December 28, 2022
By: Dr. Shivi Maini, General Manager-Technical, Indian Herbs Specialities

Animunin is a natural substitute and alternate to conventional antibiotic therapy for management of respiratory diseases. A group of researchers reported efficacy of Animunin to inhibit virus multiplication and promoting immune function. Many other researchers in previous conducted studies reported efficacy of  Animunin to protect the poultry respiratory system from infections by maintaining respiratory functioning in a natural way. Animunin is a unique combination of phyto-bioactives and essential oils viz. thymol, cineole, eucalyptol, curcumin that exhibit strong antiviral, antibacterial,  antifungal and anti-allergic activities. Animunin is recommended for both prevention and therapeutics of respiratory mycoplasmal, bacterial, viral infections. Animunin is a safe, highly effective, resistance and residue free, cost-effective option for management of respiratory infections in poultry birds.

Infectious bronchitis, newcastle disease, infectious laryngotracheitis, avian influenza, and pneumovirus are the viruses that more frequently affect the respiratory tract of chickens. Because of the tendency to change its antigenic properties, viral diseases are predominantly present in most poultry producing areas of the world. New serotypes and variant strains of respiratory viruses are reported in several countries. Current commercially available vaccines do not always provide protection against new field isolates. NCD & IBV virus causes severe tissue damage and immunosuppression in chicken (Zhang et al., 2022).
Efficacy of phytogenic formulation (Animunin) for the management of respiratory viral infections in poultry birds
Alternate Strategies for management of viral respiratory diseases
There is resurgence of interest towards use of phytogenics as an alternative to conventional treatment of various viral diseases (Awad et al., 2019). Viral respiratory outbreaks has brought serious economic losses to the poultry industry that result from the decline of weight gain, decreased egg production, eggshell quality, feed efficiency, false layers, and secondary bacterial infections (Cavanagh, 2007). At present, vaccination is still the major efficient measure to prevent and control the disease.
Alternate Strategies for management of viral respiratory diseases
Natural plant compounds have been found to be effective against a variety of viral infections. Many researchers have reported antiviral efficacy of plant extracts and essential oils.(Wani et al., 2021)  Botanical oleoresins and essential oils was found to have virucidal activity against NDV and IBV infection both in vitro and in vivo [Jackwod et al., 2010]. 
Some plant extracts, including  Mentha piperita, Thymus vulgaris, Desmodium canadense extracts [Lelesius et  al, 2019], Astragalus polysaccharides [Zhang et al., 2018], Glycyrrhiza radix [Li et al., 2009], and Forsythia suspensa (Li et al., 2011) have shown effectiveness against IBV, ILT, NDV in vitro. Garlic extract successfully inhibited IBV in the replication phase in chicken embryos (Tabassom et  al., 2016).
Animunin- Natural antiseptic and respiratory tonic
Animunin is a phytogenic formulation (M/SIndianHerbs,India) constituted by principal phyto-bioactives viz. Thymol, cineole, eucalyptol and other essential oils having antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. Animunin protects poultry respiratory system from infections and maintain its functioning in a natural way.
Researchers have reported antiviral efficacy of Animunin (Gangwaret al., 2022) against NDV and IBDV. In one of the study at Dept. at Veterinary Pathology College of Veterinary Science & AH, DUVASU, efficacy of natural respiratory antiseptic (Animunin) (M/S Indian Herbs Specialities, India) was evaluated for its antiviral and anti- inflammatory potential against NDV and IBDV.  Researchers have determined differential expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL1ß, TNFα and oxidative genes SOD, Catalase in chicken embryo fibroblast culture (CEF) by using real time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR). In this study, phytogenic formulation-Animunin was diluted to 5 concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 mg/ml) with culture media and 100 µl were added to each 96 well culture plates containing CEF cells. In one group, CEF cells were kept as negative control. Cytopathic effect (CPE) were determined and maximum concentration that caused no toxicity (TC0) was observed, and it was 10mg/ml.
Animunin- Natural antiseptic and respiratory tonic
Researchers (Neeraj Gangwar1, Ajay Singh2, Soumen Choudhary,DUVASU, Mathura) reported that cytopathic effect (CPE) was much pronounced (rounding of cells, granulation and separation) in IBD and IBDV virus infected cell lines. Animunin treated cell lines exhibited significant reduction in cytopathic effects.
Relative quantification of genes related to inflammation and oxidative stress (IL 1ß, TNF α ,SOD, Catalase) revealed that IL 1ß, TNF α are highly upregulated in positive / virus infected control cell lines, however normalization of genes were evident in Animunin treated cell lines. SOD, Catalase activity is highly upregulated in Animunin treated cell lines than virus infected cell lines. The novel findings of the study are presented and published in IPSF, 2022 and study investigators concluded their findings that Animunin is having antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties (P240, IPSF, 2022).
anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties

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Neeraj Gangwar1, Ajay Singh2, Soumen Choudhary3 and Shivi Maini, P240, Compendium of International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, USA, 2022

 Tabassom MS, L AG, Vahid K, Abbas B, Naser S. The effect of Allium sativum (Garlic) extract on infectious bronchitis virus in specific pathogen free embryonic egg. Avicenna Phytomed. 2016;6:458–467. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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Zhang P, Liu X, Liu H, Wang W, Liu X, Li X, Wu X. Astragalus polysaccharides inhibit avian infectious bronchitis virus infection by regulating viral replication. Microb Pathog. 2018;114:124–128. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Zhang,1 Xiao-Yan Li,1 Bing-Sha Zhang,1 Li-Na Ren,1 Yan-Peng Lu,1 Jin-Wen Tang,1 Di Lv,1 Lu Yong,1 Li-Ting Lin,1 Zi-Xue Lin,1 Qin Mo,2 and Mei-Lan Mo1 In vivo antiviral effect of plant essential oils against avian infectious bronchitis virus. BMC Vet Res. 2022; 18: 90.

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Dr. Shivi Maini
Indian Herbs
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
8 de abril de 2023
You are a seller. I am a buyer and poultry farmer working with live stock.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
3 de abril de 2023
When there is a problem in the flock don't waste time on unproven technology like oils etc. You will waste money and the flock will.be gone. Check for vaccine/ or vaccination failure. Correct it with an expert advice. Resort to proven antibiotic therapy in prescribed dose.
Balaram Bhattacharya
Indian Herbs
29 de marzo de 2023
Animunin @dose 1kg / ton of feed for commercial broiler & layer and 1500 gram/ton of feed for breeder is giving highly satisfactory performance in controlling respiratory issues like CCRD, CRD as per users feed back. For farm uses 20-30 ml/ 100 bird for commercial broiler and 40-50 ml for breeder gives best result.
Balaram Bhattacharya
Indian Herbs
2 de enero de 2023
CONGRATULATIONS DR SHIVI for such a highly useful article
Balaram Bhattacharya
Indian Herbs
2 de enero de 2023
Excellent, useful
Dr. Suresh Nipane
Suman Hatchery Ltd.
4 de abril de 2023
This product having excellent results if flock having viral respiratory related problems. I used this product as a prevention.
30 de marzo de 2023
Respiratory distress is always a hot problem. Essential oils really gives good response and other phytogenic molecules have great role to play to came out of this distress. Thanks for sharing the article.
Dr.Ashok shinde
29 de marzo de 2023
Okay Thanks
Dr.Ashok shinde
25 de marzo de 2023
Dose & duration of treatment ?
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