Interesting Article. A useful one, to demonstrate how this kind of trial should be conducted. In terms of comparisons of nutrient sources, there are two golden rules; 1, make sure nothing else can limit the observable response; and 2, test the products at a levels where a response is likely. With this trial, evaluation of the diets indicates that both Lysine and Threonine were limiting for both phases; and AME was limiting for the Finisher phase. So the fact that no response was seen when comparing M+C sources was likely caused by these limitations. Furthermore, of all the treatments levels only the Basal diet and Group 2/6 were in a sensitive zone; Groups 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are likely in the plateau area of the dose response curve. Again, the lack of a difference in performance is therefore not surprising. So, a good lesson in the pitfalls to avoid! MPS