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Parasites in commercial pig herds

Published: November 14, 2011
By: Analía Göttig

Since parasites in commercial pig herds can cause economic loss to the producer in many ways including: decrease feed efficiency, increase time to market, and decrease carcass value. What would be the main procedures to be adopted to identify a worm problem?

Look forward to hearing your experiences!

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Analía Göttig
Ramachandran Balagopal
15 de noviembre de 2011
Sir, For the endoparasites first of all see for the worm load and specific species of the parasites and medicate based on the exact body weight of the animal.Similarly you can try for the copper sulphate in the regular concentrate diet.. If it is a swill feeding farm sterlize/ boil the contents prior to feeding. If it is ectoparasite Benzyl benzoate is the best drug of choice in my field experience.
16 de noviembre de 2011
ivermectin is effective for endoparasite and ectoparasites
John Olusoji Abiola
16 de noviembre de 2011

I think having a regular programme for eliminating the worms will be the best option in maximising the profit in commercial pig farm. If you can identify the common helminths on the farm, you will be able to make a good choice of the drugs that will eliminate the from your pigs, this will reduce wastage on your farm. When you start this, just keep a good record of the programme for you to be able to follow it to the letter, I hope this will solve the problem.

16 de noviembre de 2011
Parasites such as mange can cause heaps of problems in the growing pig, it also marks the skin of the carcass which is not what the abattoir. The buildings within the piggery get pushed over due to big pigs always rubbing on them. The pig will rub instead of eat and so this causes a loss in production and means the pigs are on the farm for a little longer than you want them there. Mange can be treated with Ivermectin, and the huts can be sprayed out also This has to be done carefully and thoroughly. You can eliminate mange if you do the right thing. You also have to needle all your pigs including the babies but with a much small dose than the bigger pigs. Worms are also a problem but with a wormer on hand it can be easily fixed. Just add it to the feed or give then Ivermectin, when you cover your mange problem you also get worms. There are other products on the market and they should be used to prevent resistance occurring in your herd. Some have longer with holding periods than others, so make sure you are aware of them when you are ready to s ell your pigs.
Joaquin Armando Paulino Paniagua
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
16 de noviembre de 2011
In recent years I have seen a great resistance of the endoparasites to different drugs used.
John Olusoji Abiola
18 de noviembre de 2011
Sir, it depends on the usage of the drugs, if it is not use according to prescription, using a wrong drug for the specie of the worm or if the drug is substandard, these may all result in resistance and that is why we need to do laboratory identification for the parasites and if possible check the content of the drugs in use to know the quality.
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