Hello there, thanks for the review, enjoyed reading it. Similarly to what Danish researchers claim, it would be a good approach feeding two different diets in lactation, though probably management-wise is not the best. And you show some general recommendations, such as intermediary and low NSP levels: what could you elaborate a bit further and give some indications in % inclusion and even which iCHO/FCHO you would recommend? Many thanks as always from Spain. Rafa.
Dear Rafael,
Indeed feeding two different feeds in the farrowing room is not easy unless two feed lines are installed. In most cases, it means feeding a transition or phase-1 feed by hand. In the Netherlands currently about 25% of the sow farmers are feeding a transition feed, in general from entering the farrowing room (day 108-109) till 5 days after farrowing. This leaves enough time for a smooth transition from the high NSP gestation feed to the high starch lactatin feed. (Danish research supports the effect of NSP's (both FCHO and ICHO) on reducing farrowing time and thereby increasing both sow and piglet vitality). Moreover, feed costs of the transition feed are about 5% lower than the lactation feed.
In general, the FCHO/ICHO ratio will be around 1.5/1.0. During transition we strife for 8% ICHO and in the lactation feed 7.5%. In a high NSP gestation (phase 2) feed the ICHO content will be 10%. Obviously, these types of feed are only attractive if NSP rich by-products are readily available, relatively cheap and of good quality (mycotoxins!).
Thanks for your reaction.
Jannes Doppenberg