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Live yeast in swine nutrition

Considering the beneficial effects on intestinal microbial balance, dietary administration of probiotics such are live yeasts are reported to relieve the stress of sows in gestation and lactation. Live yeasts are known for many beneficial health effects including antioxidant defense mechanisms, thereby ameliorating oxidative stress. Live yeasts are mostly active dry yeasts (typically Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Its effects depend on a combination of strain specificity and quantity of live yeast (CFU) surviving and performing in the right part of the gastro intestinal tract. In this sense, a live yeast that has been selected for high oxygen scavenging potential in addition to a product with a higher CFU concentration would be more beneficial as it would need less inclusion to achieve the target CFU number. The benefit of adding a live yeast is the ability to scavenge, or remove, oxygen. A high level of colony-forming units (CFU) per gram may be measured through redox potential (Eh), which is key to providing the best possibility for live yeast to change and optimize the gut environment through the removal of oxygen concentration. The more negative the Eh value, the greater the potential to scavenge oxygen. During ingestion of feed and water or under stress, oxygen concentration is higher due to increased oxygen ingestion and oxygen emission from the epithelial cells, respectively. Feeding live yeast maintains a lower Eh, even at times of feeding. Based on recent work in piglets, adding a live yeast was able to improve the redox potential.
Cadogan, D.J
Cadogan, D.J and 2 more
The human health benefits of dietary selenium (Se) and iron (Fe) are well established (Rayman, 1997; Kristensen et al., 2005).  Meat and meat products are primary sources of dietary Se and iron for humans. Pork from Se and Fe supplemented pigs may provide an additional source of these nutrients. However, the effects of supplementation of Se and iron on their status in muscles and effects on pork quality are not clearly defined. This study examined the effects of dietary Se and Fe...
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Shah Hasan
Shah Hasan (Hankkija Oy) talked about the results of the research presented on the benefits of hydrolized yeast in preventing postweaning diarrhea in piglets, during the 8th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA....
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KUHN Geraldine
Phileo by Lesaffre
Weaning is the most critical periods for piglets. Characterized by a risk of severe anorexia, increased susceptibility to digestive disorders and microbial infections, economic losses can be considerable. Various strategies exist to ensure that piglets start well and to help them survive this critical phase. One of them is to use probiotic yeast in piglet feed. A field trial was conducted on a 500 sows farm with recurrent colibacillosis diarrhea to measure the benefits of Sc 47 yeast...
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KUHN Geraldine
Phileo by Lesaffre
Weaning is the most critical periods for piglets. Characterized by a risk of severe anorexia, increased susceptibility to digestive disorders and microbial infections, economic losses can be considerable. Various strategies exist to ensure that piglets start well and to help them survive this critical phase. One of them is to use probiotic yeast in piglet feed. Two trials were conducted, one on a farm of 500 sows with recurrent colibacillosis diarrhoea, the other on an experimental unit to...
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KUHN Geraldine
Phileo by Lesaffre
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) can cause significant digestive disorders in postweaning piglets. Modern strategies are searched, how to replace antibiotics and ZnO as a feed additives. Some studies suggested that live yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae may help protect piglets against an ETEC infection. Probiotics, including live yeast and lactic acid bacteria cultures, have been reported to improve performance of weaned piglets. Piglets fed milk replacer supplemented with...
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KUHN Geraldine
KUHN Geraldine and 1 more
Phileo by Lesaffre
The weaning transition in piglets is a stressful process associated with decreased feed intake, poor performance and increased susceptibility to infection, including post- weaning diarrhea. Antibiotic feed additives as ZnO or AGP have been commonly used during the weaning transition to prevent the postweaning lag in health and performance of piglets. However, the widespread use of subtherapeutic doses of antibiotics has contributed to the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. As...
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James Pettigrew
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
James Pettigrew, Professor at the University of Illinois, was invited by Alltech to speak about yeast based products and how they can affect the immune system of pigs at the XI National Congress of Swine Production (CNPP), Salta, Argentina....
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Rosil Lizardo
Rosil Lizardo and 3 more
Introduction The infection by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is one on the most important causes of neonatal and postweaning diarrhea (PWD) in piglets. ETEC causes significant morbidity and mortality, resulting in a large economic loses in the porcine industry. One of the most common ETEC in swine is serotype 0149 which carries the K88 (F4) adhesin that enables the attachment of the bacteria to the intestinal...
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Ana Dalcero
Ana Dalcero and 2 more
Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto - UNRC
Introduction Mycotoxins are a group of structurally diverse secondary fungal metabolites that occur as grain contaminants. They can cause serious problems in livestock resulting in substantial economic losses (Huwig et al. 2001). Two of the most common mycotoxins found in animal feed, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and zearalenone (ZEA), cause food- and feed-borne intoxications called mycotoxicoses (CAST 2003). Aflatoxin B1 is a...
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“Swine Antibiotic Use” By: Paul Walker Thompson Date: 5/27/2016 Though it has been proven that most Human Antibiotic Resistance is due to Human Doctors, not Swine Production; Swine Antibiotic use will decline in the U.S. This is due to our government’s ruling banning Growth Promotants in Swine Feed, and the new requirements on methods of use for Preventative and Curative Antibiotics. The good news is that there are many Alternatives To Antibiotics, such as Minerals (Zinc...
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Dr. Henri Salmon
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
The survival of neonate piglets depends directly on the acquisition of maternal immunity via colostrum, and milk affording systemic and mucosal protection, respectively. Whereas colostral IgG are mainly due to accumulation of blood IgG in the acini of the mammary gland at the end of pregnancy, milk IgA originates from plasma cells; according to their homing receptors these cells orginate form separate mucosal compartments in the respiratory tract and intestine....
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Neonatal diarrhoea in piglets is very common in farrowing units and has been a concern to vets for a number of years. Associations between pathogenic agents (colibacilli, clostridia, enterococci, parasites...) complicate the diagnosis making laboratory analyses become essential. Against such pathology, classical vaccine solutions are limited. In most of the cases, veterinarians have to set up early preventive antibiotic...
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Weaning as currently practiced represents one of the most critical periods in the raising of pigs. It is characterized by a diminution in feed consumption, leading to a state of severe anorexia, an increased sensitivity to digestive problems or microbial infections, and a slow down of growth. The change in the nutrient substrate also brings with it major modifications in intestinal function, influencing nutrient utilization, metabolism or even protein synthesis....
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The aim of the study was to address the following questions: (1) Can supplementation of pregnant sows with Actisaf Sc 47 improve the transmission of passive immunity via colostrum? (2) Can supplementation of these sows and their piglets in the early stage of life increase the growth rate? (3) Can supplementation of weaned piglets help the struggle against post-weaning diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli? To achieve our aims, we performed two...
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Probiotics, including live yeast and lactic acid bacteria cultures, have been reported to improve performance of weaned piglets. Milk replacer supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc 47 (Actisaf) and fed to weaned piglets showed improved postweaning growth and reduced number of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in piglets after weaning, suggesting an immunomodulatory role of Sc 47. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of Sc 47 dietary...
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From Ghislaine Roch (Canada) presentation at Lallemand’s International Selenium yeast seminar (Grenaa, Denmark, 2007) Ghislaine Roch, independent feed nutritionist in Canada, has been working on antioxidants in animal production for more than ten years. She is convinced that modern animal production practices, with their associated stress factors and high metabolism, increase oxidative stress, leading to loss of performance, fertility and health problems for the animal, as well as...
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Profitable pork production is determined by a magnitude of parameters. Not always is the lowest cost or highest performance operations the most profitable. Factors such as management, genetics, hygiene and nutrition have all changed dramatically over the past few decades,...
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