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Phytogenic to control Swine Ileitis

Published: September 25, 2020
By: Ignacio López Paredes, veterinarian, Liptosa
Phytogenic to control Swine Ileitis - Image 1
Ileitis is one of the main diseases affecting pig farms. The clinical presentation may be acute - haemorrhagic, chronic or subclinical. The acute form affects animals from 4 to 12 months of age. It presents with profuse and bloody diarrhoea and sudden mortalities of up to 60%. The chronic form is frequent and affects pigs between 6 and 12 weeks of age, causing watery scours, with a characteristic greyish colour. The subclinical form can be accompanied by secondary infections that give rise to necrotic enteritis, aggravating the economic losses.
The most common form is the subclinical, and it is the one that, paradoxically, causes greater economic losses. Without showing clear clinical signs, it generates inequality between animals, reduces zootechnical performance not in evident, but cumulative way. The control of swine ileitis increases the direct sanitary expense, derived from its treatment but also the indirect one - related to the treatment of other secondary pathologies.
Hygen Pro® Law as a tool in the control of Ileitis and other Enteric processes
Hygen Pro® Law is the new generation phytobiotic developed and marketed by LIPTOSA. Hygen Pro® Law is composed by a combination of plant extracts, organic acids and fatty acids, chelated minerals and plants. Its mechanism of action is based on bactericidal power, on strengthening the intestinal barrier and on maintaining the balance of the microbiota. Furthermore, recent studies evidenced an important anti-inflammatory property.
Hygen Pro® Law is especially useful in farms with a clinical incidence of ileitis, but also in those with a chronic and subclinical presentation. Likewise, its use is recommended in farms with no history of ileitis, but with recurring enteric problems such as colibacillosis, clostridial diseases and other nonspecific ones. It is also a great help in reducing the risk in certain critical phases such as entrances to fattening unit, heat stress, etc., which predispose to the development of digestive disorders.
Economic Viability with Hygen Pro® Law
The efficacy of Hygen Pro® Law is evidenced in farms with chronic ileitis, by reduction of diarrhoea in affected animals and the incidence of sudden deaths together with significant improvement of production parameters. Hygen Pro® Law allows to get more uniform batches, minimizing the number of delayed animals, an advantage highly valuated by slaughterhouse.
To evaluate the economic impact of Hygen Pro® Law we carried out a field trial on the farms located in northern Spain. As a Control group we have considered all animals produced, from November 2018 till February 2019 and we faced the results with Experimental group produced in the same fattening units and same season of the following year 2019-2020. Results from 13 feedlots and a total of 11.282 animals in the control batch and 11.523 animals in the Hygen Pro® Law batch were analyzed. The farms did not undergo major structural changes; feeding and handling did not change either. Genetics was maintained in the case of an LW x LD x PT cross. The dose of the product was 1.5 Kg/Tm of feed in the last 110 Kg of feed consumed by the pigs. In the lot fed with Hygen Pro® Law, survival was improved compared to the control batch, and a more homogeneous distribution was observed in the feedlots.
The standardized feed conversion rate at 150 days was reduced from 2.57 points to 2.43. Daily weight gain improved from 653 grams to 670 grams.
The main benefits derived from sanitary and zootechnical improvements, making possible to obtain a 3:1 return on investment ratio for Hygen Pro® Law.
Hygen Pro® Law is a phytobiotic developed by LIPTOSA, it does not require a withdrawal period neither veterinary prescription. Technical effectiveness and economic efficiency were demonstrated under the field trial conditions.
The inclusion rate is from 1 to 2 Kg/Tm and it is especially recommended to use it in the growing and fattening phases.
*Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case.
The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on Liptosa's current knowledge and experience.
Liptosa reserves the right to update the information and arguments contained in this platform, as well as to make any changes to this information or recommendation at any time, without prior or subsequent notice.
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