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Mycotoxicosis in fish

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Fumonisins are a group of recently discovered mycotoxins which belong to the family of Fusarium toxins. The contamination of feedstuffs with mycotoxins poses a serious threat to the health and productivity of animals and cause great economic losses. In the USA, the annual losses caused by mycotoxins in grain production are estimated at 900 million dollars. Dependent on type of animal, sex, age as well as the nutritional and health condition of the animal,...
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Introduction Egyptian aquaculture has grown rapidly, with annual production reaching 705,000 tons in 2009 – up from 57,000 tons in 1994. Per capita consumption of fish in Egypt rose from8.5 kg to 15.4 kg/ capita/ year between 1996 and 2008. Population increase and rising consumer search for lower-cost alternatives to expensive meat and poultry are driving this demand. Fish are important protein source for human beings in many countries. Most countries...
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Mariana Greco
Mariana Greco and 1 more
1. Introduction Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) production has been growing exponentially for the last 50 years in Europe and Chile, the latter being the largest producer [1]. In Argentina, commercial aquaculture activity began to expand in the 1990s, mostly in the provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén, reaching in 2012 a rainbow trout crop of 1260 tonnes, which represents 42% of the national aquatic...
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Mariana Greco
Mariana Greco and 1 more
1. Introduction Fungal contamination of foods and feeds causes negative effects on the quality of the products mainly reducing their nutritional and organoleptic properties and lead consequently to important annual economic losses worldwide [1–4]. Moreover, fungi are capable of elaborating a wide range of secondary metabolites many of which have been shown to be highly toxic. Therefore, fungal contamination creates...
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Background Aquatic products represent an important food source for animal and human consumption, the rising demand of which had led to a fast development of aquaculture (Myhr and Dalmo 2005). The primary objective in fish nutrition is to provide a nutritionally balanced mixture of ingredients as finished feed to support the maintenance, growth, reproductive performance, flesh quality, and health of the animals at an...
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Ahmed Ismail Mehrim
Mansoura University, Egypt
Mansoura University, Egypt
Introduction Many feed ingredients used in aquaculture have been found to be frequently contaminated (Cagauan et al., 2004) . At the present time, increased use of ingredients of plant origin in aquafeed formulations for fish culture has intensified the potential onset for aflatoxicosis in farming systems due to the carryover of high loads of aflatoxin contamination by vegetable sources (Murjani,...
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Abstract: The object of this study was to conduct the ability of two medicinal herbs, namely rosemary and parsley, for amelioration of aflatoxicosis in Oreochromis niloticus . Two herbs' extracts at three concentrations of either (0, 2 and 4 g kg -1 B.W. divided into 2 doses at the start and the 6 th day of the experiment) and three concentrations of aflatoxin B 1 , (AFB 1 0, 9 and 18 mg...
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Pedro Encarnacao
Background Most of the problems currently confronting the shrimp farming industry are related to the widespread occurrence of disease, e.g. parasitic infestation, or bacterial and viral infections. These disease problems can lead...
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Aflatoxicosis and Aflatoxins Aflatoxicosis is a disease that can affect many species of fish, and results when feed contaminated with aflatoxins is eaten by the fish (Ashley, 1970). Aflatoxins are chemicals produced by some species of naturally occurring fungi (Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus) commonly known as molds. Aflatoxins are common contaminants of oilseed crops such as cottonseed, peanut meal, and corn. Wheat, sunflower, soybean, fish meal, and...
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A.M. Abdelhamid
Mansoura University, Egypt
Mansoura University, Egypt
Saprolegnia is ubiquitous in freshwater ecosystems and is the main genus of water molds responsible for significant fungal infection of freshwater fish and eggs. On fish, Saprolegnia invades epidermal tissues, generally beginning on the head or fins and can spread over the entire surface of the body (Willoughby, 1994). Saprolegniasis in fish can be prevented in laboratory challenge experiments using formalin or diquat, both FAD -approved chemical for use in catfish ponds (Bly et...
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A.M. Abdelhamid
Mansoura University, Egypt
Mansoura University, Egypt
This article included the story of fish mycotoxicoses under Egyptian conditions. The story started by the definition of a mycotoxin, followed by the chemical structures of different known mycotoxins and the origins of their names. After that, the occurrence of fungi and their toxins in the Egyptian aquafeeds was presented. Thereafter, the article illustrated different factors affecting the production of a mycotoxin. Also, the  mycotoxins-contaminated aquafeeds and the detection methods of...
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Ahmed Ismail Mehrim
Mansoura University, Egypt
Mansoura University, Egypt
Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by certain filamentous fungi, which can be produced in foods as a result of fungal growth. They cause a toxic response, termed a mycotoxicosis, when ingested by higher vertebrates and other animals. Consumption of mycotoxin contaminated foods has been associated with several cases of human poisoning, or mycotoxicosis, sometimes resulting in death (Sweeney and Dobson, 1998 and Bathnagar and Garcia, 2001). The Food and Agricultural Organisation...
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