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Video published on November 12, 2014
Mike Looper speaks about his presentation at the 2nd Joint Meeting ASAS - AAPA, about the University of Arkansas and his new appointment as president of the ASAS.
This member gave a presentation on October 22, 2014
At the following event:
2nd Joint Meeting ASAS-AAPA 2014
Article published the June 10, 2013
Dairy Cow Nutrition Nutrient requirements for lactating dairy cows vary with the stage and level of lactation, growth rate and stage of gestation. Most dairy producers in Arkansas feed grain in the parlor as the cows are being milked. This allows producers the opportunity to feed cows according to their level of production and to manage the amount and quality of grain that the cow is consuming.Fig ...
remove_red_eye 1726
forum 3
News published on October 29, 2012
Dr. Michael Vayda, Dean of Bumpers College of Agricultural Food and Life Sciences, Dr. Michael Looper, Head of the Department of Animal Science and Dr. Charlie Rosenkrans, Jr., Professor of the Department of Animal Science from the University of Arkansas visited Argentina invited by Dr. Hugo Arelovich from the National University of the South (UNS), Bahia Blanca, Argentina.   Dr. L ...
remove_red_eye (17328)
Article published the August 31, 2012
Introduction Reproductive efficiency of the dairy herd is important to the economic success of the dairy operation. One of the most important reproductive technologies implemented by the dairy industry is artificial insemination (AI). Artificial insemination reduces the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases among cattle as well as increases the use of genetically superior sires to improve per ...
remove_red_eye 2411
forum 8
Article published the August 22, 2012
Introduction The purpose of the heifer herd is to provide replacements for cows leaving the herd and to improve genetic progress. First-lactation cows significantly contribute to herd production and profit. A recommended goal for dairy replacement heifers is to calve at 24 months of age with a targeted post-calving body weight of 1,250 pounds. A common misconception is that this goal is either una ...
remove_red_eye 1688
forum 1
Article published the August 15, 2012
Introduction Many factors influence the composition of milk, the major components of which are water, fat, protein, lactose and minerals.Nutrition or dietary influences readily alter fat concentration and milk protein concentration. Fat concentration is the most sensitive to dietary changes and can vary over a range of nearly 3.0 percentage units. Dietary manipulation results in milk protein conce ...
remove_red_eye 55095
forum 19
Article published the August 14, 2012
Introduction Water constitutes 60 to 70 percent of a livestock animal's body. Water is necessary for maintaining body fluids and proper ion balance; digesting, absorbing and metabolizing nutrients; eliminating waste material and excess heat from the body; providing a fluid environment for the fetus; and transporting nutrients to and from body tissues. Dairy cattle get the water they need by drinki ...
remove_red_eye 2104
forum 5
Article published the February 27, 2012
Somatic cell count (SCC) is the total number of cells per milliliter in milk. Primarily, SCC is composed of leukocytes, or white blood cells, that are produced by the cow´s immune system to fight an inflammation in the mammary gland, or mastitis. Since leukocytes in the udder increase as the inflammation worsens, SCC provides an indication of the degree of mastitis in an individual cow ...
remove_red_eye 3031
forum 26
Video published on October 22, 2011
Dr. Michael Looper, Professor and Head of the University of Arkansas, was present at the 34th Congress of Animal Production- 1st Joint Meeting ASAS-AAPA in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and gave an interesting lecture about Genetic and Physiological Approaches to improve beef cattle grazing performance. Dr. Looper was awarded top honor by President Obama in 2010 for his contributions as ...
equalizer Statistics: Articles(6)Videos(2)
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Professor and Department Head
Participations in events:
Followers (33)