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Participation in Forum on December 9, 2019
Manget Ram Garg Dr can i got some help about the feeding behavior of buff? Especially on intake of concentrate ration.
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Feeding fat and fat products to dairy cows is common on most, if not all, dairies. Understanding how to properly feed fats and fat products is another story and seems to change daily. This is especially true as we work to understand the roles various fat components (fatty acids) play in the animal in terms of production (volume and components), health and reproduction. And while it may not be ne ...
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Dr. Mike Kogut, Chair of the Organizing Committee, talked about the success of this 8th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis and shared some of the ideas for next year's edition.
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Oswaldo Rosendo - my apologies for the delay getting back to you. I overlooked this post initially.Very good questions and I can only tell you that there is no set answer for your questions. Consultants here in the US may visit a given farm once per week to once per month or possibly less (once per quarter) depending on the needs and wants of the farm. This has to be worked out between the dairy a ...
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After fermentation, ethanol is separated by distillation while the water and non-fermentable materials (known as whole stillage) are decanted or centrifuged which results in wet cake (e.g., removed suspended solids) and soluble solid-laden water (i.e., thin stillage). Evaporation of the thin stillage produces condensed distillers solubles (known as CDS) which can then mixed into the wet cake, and ...
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Muhammad Qayyoom ji actually some of my farmer friends gives their feedback on this type of feed substance so I am just asking
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Muhammad Qayyoom may be some other reasons you faced in feed intake while using DDGs, the simple way is to observe and smell the aroma of feed as it feels very good while using DDGs.
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Muhammad Qayyoom i have a good experience of Corn DDGs using upto 10% in dairy Cattle Rations, and i observed it enhanced the feed intake in Ruminants.
Participation in Forum on May 9, 2018
mohammad aslam what about the maximum inclusion percentage in concentrate feed?
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