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Participation in Forum on June 4, 2023
This is not my area of expertise butI think there are some PCRs which may be better for you to do this. Also silver staining of histology sections could help. Swine labs know all about Brachyspira but I suspect there are none local. Cheers chris PS Mortality is not a feature of Brachyspira infection
Participation in Forum on June 3, 2023
What about brachyspira. - look it up in diseases of poultry
Participation in Forum on February 15, 2023
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni I dont understand your comment sorry
Participation in Forum on February 13, 2023
Chris Morrow
Participation in Forum on February 13, 2023
A bottle of wine for myself chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Chris Morrow likes the video:
Dr. Chris Morrow (BioProperties) discusses his recent work regarding Avian Mycoplasma, in this presentation for Engormix.
Participation in Forum on January 26, 2023
I am interested in finding published recommendations for antibiotics one week in 4 or 8 in lay. Very commonly done but I could find few publications in scientific literature or technical information from suppliers. In the video I offer a bottle of wine for pointing me it the right direction (for the first 10 at least). Cheers chris
Video published on January 24, 2023
Dr. Chris Morrow (BioProperties) discusses his recent work regarding Avian Mycoplasma, in this presentation for Engormix.
Participation in Forum on August 31, 2022
David Baquero there are ways of seeing if the rise in titres is due to wild strains entering the flocks. DIVA PCRs are possible Do you have to give antibiotics for vaccine reactions? in breeders/layers or broilers? Have a look with PCR before treatment and see if it is due to F strain.
Participation in Forum on August 31, 2022
I must declare a vested interest here. I work for a company that commercialized ts-11 and MSH and I invented the MSH vaccine in 1988. So here i go (I dont know if you are talking about breeders or layers) F strain has never been used in the USA for vaccinating breeders (worry that it has been found outside the flock it was put in - same for 6/85) but it has been used in many places around the w ...
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