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Video published on March 13, 2019
Peter Ferket (NC State University) explained the benefits of this specific encapsulating technique of vitamin and mineral premixes, during IPPE 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on March 13, 2019
Peter Ferket (NC State University) talked about this research on diet changes under heat stress conditions, during IPPE 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on March 13, 2019
Peter Ferket (NC State University) spoke on the effectiveness of different strains of Clostridium on hatchability, during IPPE 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on March 5, 2018
Peter Ferket (NC State University) spoke on the advances of the industry in understanding and improving gut health, as well as the relevance of collaborative efforts, during IPPE 2018 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on March 2, 2018
Peter Ferket (NC State University) commented on his recent research on vitamin and mineral supplementation, as well as the benefits of high levels of enzymes on gut microflora, during IPPE 2018 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on February 9, 2018
Peter Ferket (NC State University) explains the goal of a new project, the Animal Food and Nutrition Consortium, and Grady Fain (Nutriad), Paula Barngrover (Premex) and Joan Torrent (Oligo Basics) offered their take on why their companies decided to join in.
Video published on June 27, 2017
During the Intestinal Health Workshop, supported by DSM Nutritional Products, Peter Ferket, Extension Specialist and Nutritionist (Poultry) at NC State University, give us details of the impacts of feedstuff processing and the whole feed processing in Poultry
Video published on June 26, 2017
Peter Ferket, Extension Specialist and Nutritionist (Poultry) at North Carolina State University, testified about the impact of social media with and anecdote. He was recognized by a farmer in the Philippines who saw his videos in Engormix
Video published on March 3, 2017
Peter Ferket, Professor at North Carolina State University, explained the benefits of coarse corn in feed conversion, gut health and more. Also, Ferket detailed the activities of the NC State Poultry Science Department, during IPPE 2017 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on February 28, 2017
Peter Ferket, Professor at North Carolina State University, explained the importance of reducing mineral emissions and the benefits of perinatal nutrition, during IPPE 2017 in Atlanta, USA.
equalizer Statistics: Articles(9)Videos(11)Forums(1)
Location:Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Extension Specialist and Nutritionist (Poultry)
Participations in events:
Followers (138)