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Mel Raymundo
Participation in Forum on October 19, 2024
Hi All. As we all know that enzymes are very heat sensitive. Let's also check our feedmill parameters. If we are using Pellet Mill let's be careful in our meal temperature not to exceed 80-85°C. Or if we are using PPLA it will be an advantage. Thanks
Participation in Forum on June 14, 2022
Vasuki Ramasamy....I suggest you visit and check your DDC, say if you have total of 20 paddles, Then the 1st 5 paddles you can set it at 5 degrees angle forward then next 10 paddles you can set it at 0 degrees (just beating) at the same time this location is the same location wherein you are injecting steam, this will help to maximize gelatinization of your meal. Then last 5 paddles will be 10 deg ...
Participation in Forum on February 10, 2022
D.V.Sambasivarao, Excess fats in the formulation can be arranged using a vacuum coater or a fats spray, in order not to hinder the expansion of collets. Its a post extrusion application.
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Mr. Ariyo,It seems that you are talking about twin-screw extruder. Double screw extruders are extruders with two single screws mounted separately on the equipment. From what you have mentioned, it's not clear what changes in other ingredients do you do when you increase the CP to be >30%.Floatation of the feed is an effect caused by the expansion starch in the formula. A minimum 20% starch is h ...
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IntroductionFeed pelleting can be defined as conversion of finely ground mash feed into dense, free flowing pellets or capsules, in a process involves steam injection (moisture & heat) and mechanical pressure.There are several advantages for feeding broilers on pelleted rather than mash feed. The main advantage is the improved bird performance (improved feed intake, weight gain and feed conver ...
Participation in Forum on June 27, 2017
Dear Mr. Ambalkar. I suggest you support your claim by analyzing your product in terms of % cooking or how any % gelatinize. Then in your dryer what is your source of heat?
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Dear Sir, I mean wet pelleting with increased moisture percent and then use of dryer . As dryer is easy to handle and operate in comparison to steam generator? The process of production should be short and would also reduce manpower requirement at small farmer's level not at commercial level? May kindly comment. With regds, PP AMBALKAR
Participation in Forum on June 24, 2017
Dear Mr. Ambalkar, in pelleting process you can't omit the conditioner since it is one of the Important part of the process since at conditioner you are cooking the materials to make it gelatinize for better digestibility, second it sterilize the compound feeds, third it will help to increase your throughput of your pellet mill with lesser electricity costs. Forth, you will have better FACT if you ...
Participation in Forum on April 14, 2016
Dear All Friends in the Industry, All above items that being mentioned are very important like its starch level, particle size, conditioning, etc. also don't forget your die plate open area (you can set your own open area based on your formulation) so that you can have a bigger capacity and better quality.
Participation in Forum on April 20, 2015
Is this only applicable for Animal feeds? What about in Aqua Feeds?
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Location:Purwakarta, Jawa Barat [Djawa Barat] , Indonesia
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Industrial Engineer