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Dr. Rahul Hardas
Work as a Area Manager In Raj Nandgaon (C.G) in INdian Broiler has above 100 farms in area under my jurisdiction providing them Technical and Manage mental Know How.
Discussion created on February 24, 2025
Vent pecking is seen in 30 day old broiler birds in the farm refer as Cannibalism. Cannibalistic behavior performed by poultry is the pecking, tearing and consuming of skin, tissues, the case i met with birds have started pecking cloaca l region in some case intestine it is to harsh that intestinal loop drop outside through wound. However, this problem has been a consistent problem in layers but c ...
Discussion created on October 1, 2016
Marked urate deposition seen
Discussion created on October 6, 2015
The problem has been detected in broilers of above 30 days of age. P.M reveals symptoms complicated with respiratory infections and bundled up with E.coli. The P.M lesions commonly seen are enlarged liver and pale swollen kidneys and sometimes fluid seen in the pericardial sac. The photo has been uploaded for reference in my profile. The vaccination includes ND killed with F strain in drinking wat ...
Discussion created on February 14, 2014
Urate deposition
Discussion created on September 16, 2013
Photos published on February 12, 2013
Proventricular Haemmorahges
On the album: gumboro
Discussion created on February 12, 2013
Discussion created on August 27, 2012
A polymelus monster was observed in farm mainly described as Polymelia is a birth defect involving limbs (a type of dysmelia), in which the affected individual/animal has more than the usual number of limbs. In poultry upto 3 legs has been observed but this has four legs and the point to be noted that it has survived for five weeks and still alive. The extra limb is most commonly shrunken and/or d ...
Photos published on August 9, 2012
7 day old chicks
On the album: polymeilia in broiler
Photo posted on August 9, 2012
On the album: Miscellaneous
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Location:Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: M.V.Sc
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