Participation in Forum on March 17, 2025
it's great to hear of your achievement and I do congratulate you. Thanks for making such wonderful contribution to the poultry industry. And also, mentoring the young people like my former classmate at Gent University Caroline.Once again, I congratulate you
Dr Kibiike David likes the video:
Tim Johnson (University of Minnesota) talks in depth about E. coli and Lactobacillus, during the Symposium on Gut Health in St. Louis, USA.
Dr Kibiike David likes the video:
Chris Morrow (Bioproperties) commented about the problems that arise from mycoplasma infections in layer farms and explained the benefits of a live mycoplasma vaccination program, including costs and profits.
Participation in Forum on August 24, 2022
Enzymes are very important. Most of the materials used here are by products which include soy cake,sunflower cake wheat bran and maize bran without the enzyme it will very had for the chicken to utilize these materials.
Dr Kibiike David likes the comment:
Please check If any enzyme is maybe in your concentration
They could be included to decrease cost of components;; eg Phytase dose is much cheaper than phosphate as MCP or DCP to reach proper P level in concentrate
If there is not included you can add it directly to the mixer together with concentration and cereals, etc
Participation in Forum on July 14, 2021
Am looking for testing unit to test the presence of trypsin inhibitor in roasted soy.
Participation in Forum on April 14, 2021
I am a commercial layer farmer , I tried all biosecurity and vaccination however i have not managed to come with good results.
At my farm i do vaccinations and still end up with the problem. what am doing now is only biosecurity with treatment. this is very expensive and makes the enterprise very uneconomical.
Participation in Forum on January 25, 2021
Thanks for all the responses, on my farm I experienced some infections a year ago. I depleted made did a though clean up disinfected and then took a 3 month without stocking. After that i stocked and my birds were doing very well. In the sixth week, I did vaccination using a live Mycoplasma MS. I did a repeat at 9th week. A week ago I got an attack of the infection at age of 14 weeks. I have been ...
Participation in Forum on January 5, 2021
Thanks, this is a great paper and that is the reality on the ground. In Uganda is very hard to keep birds in layer for a long time because of extremes temperatures.
Participation in Forum on December 14, 2020
I request for the results of this research, for better comments to come in can we have a look on the finding.