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Suhas Ganpule
MVSc, Ph.D, Post Doct INRA SRA France
'GROWTH CONSULTANTS" for Breeders BANGALORE, India +91 9886002014 SASSO Country Manager India. Sasso breeding operations at Ayilas Farms, Coimbatore for supply of sasso coloured broiler products.
MVSc, Ph.D, Post Doct INRA SRA France
Participation in Forum on November 4, 2021
Thank you Dr. Pooja. The story of this important and strong organ in the body is explaned well with pictorial presentations. Useful and well done.
Article published the August 2, 2021
Characterization of genetic diversity by employing molecular tools is a prerequisite in developing strategies for conservation and utilization of poultry genetic resources. We assessed genetic variation within and between six Indian chicken populations (Naked Neck, White Silkies, Commercial Layer and Broiler, Giriraja and Desi) using nine microsatellite markers. Seven loci were polymorphic in all ...
remove_red_eye 44
forum 0
Participation in Forum on July 31, 2021
Very good information on coli bacillosis for all involved in poultry production. Please continue the good work. Look forward to more information. It is true that contamination thru water feed litter air and in contact objects and people working on the premises cause this problem. These causes need to be identified and addressed at the management level. Treatment may or may not work, is expensive a ...
Participation in Forum on June 27, 2021
My comments above are all with respect to commercial layers only. Perspectives are different for layer breeders and broiler breeders.
Participation in Forum on June 26, 2021
Very interesting article . Fewer hens needed to produce same number of eggs. Feed qty per egg produced will be less for birds with longer life span. Similarly cost per day old chick placed per egg would also reduce. Both feed and day old pullets specially breeder pullets are expensive factors for breeder farmer. Rearing cost too is becoming high due to higher expenses on biosecurity, vaccinations ...
Participation in Forum on April 13, 2020
Some commercial broiler hatcheries in India do not have cool room egg holding facilities and pre warming facilities.They order and receive hatching eggs from remote areas involving long travel hours in trains and road transport. These are multi stage incubation practices. They receive the eggs, unpack them from the boxes, keep them in trays in a room adjacent to setter room where they transfer the ...
Participation in Forum on February 6, 2017
Dr. Is mat, Pl inform the products sold as GEL. yes. water melon or cucumber pieces can be used but gel would be more hygienic option. Thanks for the information.
Participation in Forum on February 5, 2017
Pl provide me some information about the products which can be used to protect day old chicks from dehydration during transit in the hot climate. Dr. S. P. Ganpule. Growth consultants and Sasso Country Manager India
This member had joined Engormix
July 18, 2009
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Forums(7)
Location:BANGALORE, Karnataka, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: MVSc, Ph.D, Post Doct INRA SRA France
Followers (13)