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Dr. Md. Beplob Hossain(DVM, MS Medicine)
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine(PSTU) & MS Medicine(HSTU)
Poultry & Dairy
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine(PSTU) & MS Medicine(HSTU)
Participation in Forum on July 1, 2023
Good Information, our country Bangladesh Respiratory problem is common due to improper management system follow in poultry farm. Ultimately need best product containing Essential oils that performing several actions. Teresa M. Agulles Teixidó your product is best for this respiratory problem???
Participation in Forum on June 30, 2023
Plz discuss about IBH(Inclusion Body Hepatitis) in Broiler
Discussion created on June 30, 2023
The problem of Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) diseases in young broilers caused by fowl adenoviruses. Clinical signs are nonspecific but often include a sudden increase in mortality. Gross lesions include a swollen liver containing multiple pale or hemorrhagic foci and hydropericardium. It can be discussed here with the causes and treatment, including the management practices which can be effectiv ...
Participation in Forum on June 30, 2023
Use milk without fat in vaccination water for clarification of different ions & bacteria. Before & after vaccination use ascorbic acid is better for increase immune system. Vitamin C is use to immune enhancer & co factor of Livestock & poultry.
Participation in Forum on June 29, 2023
I am Dr Md Beplob Hossain from Bangladesh. Our Bangladesh is a hot climatic country. Here 42°c temperature rises in summer season. At this time huge poultry face to heat stress conditions & occurs heat stroke. Huge mortality occurs by heat stroke. Otherwise, your Gano-met® products how much recovered at this heat stroke problem. Thanks
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One major effect of heat stress is overnight dehydration especially in humid tropical climateWhen they occurred after a hot day, the nights high humidity allows excessive loss of intracellular fluid that lead to cell and organ dehydration.Some natural trimethylamine are osmoregulatory products that keep internal hemostasis. Thereby preventing massive overnight dehydration leading to high morning d ...
Photos published on June 22, 2023
Blood Sample Preparation
On the album: Clinical issues
Discussion created on June 22, 2023
PPR in Goat
Discussion created on June 22, 2023
Participation in Forum on May 5, 2023
Nice post
equalizer Statistics: Forums(21)
Location:Khulna, Khulna, Bangladesh
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine(PSTU) & MS Medicine(HSTU)
Followers (4)