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#Swine nutrition
Video published on September 6, 2024
Bruno Silva (Professor and Researcher, Federal University of Minas Gerais) explains how important precision feeding is when controlling sow intake, in this Engormix interview.
Video published on September 6, 2024
Bruno Silva (Professor and Researcher, Federal University of Minas Gerais) shares his practical experience in sow productivity, gestation, lactation, and transition diets, in this Engormix interview.
Video published on September 6, 2024
Bruno Silva (Professor and Researcher, Federal University of Minas Gerais) comments on the different considerations and conditions regarding sow feed intake, in this Engormix interview.
This member gave a presentation on September 7, 2022
At the following event:
United Pork Americas
Video published on July 14, 2022
Bruno Silva (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) explains the need to adapt feeding programs to the characteristics of young and adult sows, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Video published on July 14, 2022
Bruno Silva (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) talks about what needs to be understood about the animal in order to use precision feeding, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
This member gave a presentation on June 23, 2022
At the following event:
IPVS 2022
News published on March 15, 2022
Solutions to optimize production costs and improve performance will be presented on the first day of the event      Session coordinator, Bruno Silva, and president of IPVS2022, Fernanda Almeida      Considered to be one of the greatest challenges to optimizing production costs, performance, and pig health, the topic of nutrition will receive special attenti ...
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Participation in Forum on April 15, 2021
Dear Prof. Donzele,Your comments and observations are very much appreciated. I utterly agree with you that understanding properly the ideal feeding pattern of sows under heat stress or thermoneutral conditions is essential to establish an ideal feeding program from a formulation and a feeding management perspective. Our findings, which will be more discussed in the coming videos, indicate that pro ...
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Dr. Martin, congratulations on the excellent article. As I am in a tropical country, Brazil, I think I lacked information about the limitations of increasing the level of fiber in pig diets during the hot season of the year. In this sense, we have to consider two main factors. the increase in the caloric increment (CI) of the animals' rations and digestive tract. With regard to this last factor, t ...
equalizer Statistics: Videos(5)Forums(1)
Location:Pôrto Calvo, Alagoas, Brazil
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Zootecnista
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Followers (19)