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Eduardo Marcuello Pérez likes the video:
Elizabeth Santin (Independent Consultant) comments on the different causes of oxidative stress, the impact on immunity, and the antioxidants that can be administered, in this Engormix interview.
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Energy is a crucial & essential constituent of poultry ration affecting consumption, performance and profitability of the farming business. Despite of precision in formulation many factors are responsible that can lead to variation in energy value of the poultry feed. Formulating the high energy diets like broiler finisher makes it mandatory to use oil in order to match the nutritional require ...
Participation in Forum on June 5, 2018
Dear all, apart from adittion of Vitamin C, and bicarbonate already mentioned, it is important birds affected by heat stress don't dehydrate and restore the electrolytic balance. This can be done with the addition in water also of Betaine combined with electrolytes. By this way as betaine is an osmolyte, we can increase water consumption with electrolytes but at the same time retaining water in ...
This member had joined Engormix
June 5, 2018
equalizer Statistics: Forums(1)
Location:Barcelona, Cataluna, España
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Licenciado en Veterinaria
Followers (3)
Following (26)