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Márcio Gonçalves
From nutrition, to health, to reproduction, to production, to management and leadership... all the way from the boar studs, to the sow farms, to the wean-to-finish pigs, to the final product. We ´hunt´ the experts and hidden geniuses of the swine industry for you. ...
Video published on August 1, 2023
Nicholas Gabler (Iowa State University) shared his insights on applying knowledge to pig production, during this Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
Video published on August 1, 2023
Gordon Spronk (National Pork Board and Pipestone) comments on competition and a better understanding of the market, during this Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
Video published on July 2, 2022
Dan Columbus (Prairie Swine Centre and University of Saskatchewan) points out the importance of the diet regarding the ability to resist disease challenge, in this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner.
Video published on October 20, 2021
Robert Thaler (South Dakota State University) talks about optimal performance instead of maximum performance, during a Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
Video published on October 20, 2021
Robert Thaler (South Dakota State University) explains how answers change over time, during a Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
Video published on June 10, 2021
Dr. Billy Flowers (NC State University) discusses reproductive management in depth during a Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
Video published on June 10, 2021
Dr. Edison Magalhães (Iowa State University) comments on the impact of this important disease during a Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
Video published on June 10, 2021
Dr. Chris Chase (South Dakota University) discussed what to do in a pandemic situation and how to apply this knowledge to pig production, during this Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
Video published on June 10, 2021
Márcio Gonçalves shares some insights about sow lactation feed intake in this Swine It video.
Video published on June 10, 2021
Dr. Flaviana Gottardo and Dr. Annalisa Scollo (University of Padova, Italy) gave practical recommendations for producers on this issue during this Swine It interview with host Márcio Gonçalves.
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Location:Manhattan, Kansas, United States
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: CEO & Founder at Swine
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