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#Poultry diseases
Participation in Forum on June 25, 2019
Several strains of Bacillus subtilis have shown the ability to dampen the inflammatory response in broilers. These trials were performed both in normal temperatures and in high temperatures. Bacillus subtilis is certainly to be considered when heat stress is expected.
Participation in Forum on April 19, 2019
Plant extracts from hops have been shown to have efficacy against Clostridium perfringens, a causative organism of Necrotic Enteritis.
Participation in Forum on January 25, 2019
Vaccination with mild live ND is effective at reducing symptoms. However, the vaccination will not prevent a flock from vvnd infection. These flocks can still serve as sources of infection. This is the reason that irradication schemes are employed to rid areas of highly virulent ND infection.
Participation in Forum on July 16, 2018
Fowl cholera presents in various degrees. Acute cholera causes rapid death. Chronic cholera can take weeks to cause death. Typical carriers are rodents. A good systematic rodent control program will help reduce exposure. Fowl cholera is caused by Pasteurella multocida. It is not transmitted via the eggs, so your husband can continue to consume eggs. I would not kill the flock. Transmission is usua ...
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Dr. Kim Wilson (Ohio State University) talks about early manipulation of the GIT microbiota by in ovo inoculation of beneficial bacteria, during the 5th IHSIG Symposium on Poultry Intestinal Health in Bangkok, Thailand.
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September 11, 2017
equalizer Statistics: Forums(4)
Location:Wentzville, Missouri, United States
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: President/CEO at BV Science, Incorporated
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