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Yavuz Eser
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Luiz Ferraretto (University of Florida) explained the importance of fiber and starch digestibility among other topics, during AMENA 2019 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
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During my consultancy activities, I get to visit many dairy farms, especially, those located in "warm regions" of the world. The visits are focused on the efforts to reduce the negative impact of summer heat stress on cow's performance.   Very few of the farms I visit do not have any kind of means to cool their cows in the summer and need to start from the beginning.  "Cow cooling" is ...
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INTRODUCTIONAs far as the profit is concerned to the farmers, the cost of the feed plays an important role. The dairy farmers in Karnataka are having limitations in terms of feedstuffs available in the region. Farmers faced major challenge to formulate the balanced least cost ration for pregnant cattle at the 3rd trimester where they not only need ration for maintenance of body but also for milk p ...
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India has largest livestock population in world. Livestock is one of the important economic activities especially in the rural areas of country providing income for most of the family. In dairy farming, feeding cost accounts about seventy percent of total operation cost. Even though dairying Programme have attained considerable importance in various Five Year Plans and the States and the Centre fo ...
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Imran farooQ In summer months to reduce ambient temp in the shed by 2 to 3 degrees centigrade we have to spray water with a micro sprinkler on the hump region and on the lumbar vertebrae if animals are tied in the shed between 10 am to 4 pm. if not we have to spray water for 5 minutes and put on fans for 15 minutes i.e. 3 times an hour between 10 am to 4 pm.Providing free access to clean cool wate ...
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1. Washing the vaginal cavity and prolapsed part with cold water or preferably with cold light potassium permanganate solution (1:10,000 dilution) can help first degree prolapse to respond when such douching is done for 7 to 10 days. It may relapse after 1 to 2 months. 2. Epidural anesthesia with 2 to 3 ml of Amayl alcohol helps for 2 to 3 months 3. with drawl of fodders like maize when it is flo ...
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ips on managing calf rearing from James Ambrose, commercial and technical manager for Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care GB and Ireland.
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IntroductionSilage is commonly used in animal feeding of the countries with developed livestock industry since the silage has a high nutritive value and moisture content. It is also easy to store and preserve the silage, it has long-lasting life, it is easily digested due to fermentation, the high-quality feed can be preserved for long durations, it allows the rations with high dry matter and mois ...
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Fat found in milk originates from three sources; de novo fatty acids synthesised in the milk gland of the cow (short-chain C4 to C14) comprise about 20-30% of total milk fatty acids, preformed fatty acids (long chain C18:0, C18:1 and C18:3) represent 35-40%, and the mixed group of fatty acids (C16) make up about 35%. Research has shown that the percentage of milk de novo fatty acids is positively ...
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February 11, 2017
Location:Mugla, Mugla, Turkey
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Zootechnist
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