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Paul Wagura
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With the ever increasing need for animal protein sources for human consumption, the poultry industry always coped up to meet the needs at an affordable manner. The conditions in developing countries for the production of either broiler or table egg may not be entirely free of unseen losses. The following article will review briefly about such losses by gut disorders and the approaches to avoid the ...
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Several factors are involved in triggering Ascites in poultry such as fast growth rate (genetics) of broilers, cold stress, high ammonia level, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, etc. In fact, the main cause is low concentration of oxygen in the house not satisfying the oxygen demand by the chicken.
Participation in Forum on September 25, 2021
Emad Elgazzarthanks.very well explained
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"The shift to antibiotic free production or better gut health often results in the increase of soybean meal inclusion as there are limited in the number of efficacious protein sources that successfully reduce soybean meal content"..... Could you please elaborate a bit more on how shift to AGP-free production has led to use of more SBM?
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Dear Ana, thanks for your reply, you are absolutely right. Lysine is key AA, and all PC-feed software calculating the rest of AA, according to lysine content. The main idea about reducing of SBM is very good. AA balance make possible to reach better CP digestion, and less substrate for harmful bacteria. But probably you know that in Ukraine SBM quality is not main feed problem because we use for p ...
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The gut is the most important organ when it comes to converting expensive feed into meat. Microbiota stabilization is central to the health of the digestive system. Therefore keeping good gut health in broiler chicken always profitable.
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True Dr Fiodor. Microbial Xylanase is more suitable for its advantages. Along with Xylanase, a protease with the mannan may cover up a vast range of NSPs,
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Thanks Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov, “I agree that it is imperative to look at ingredients. You are correct that xylans and mannans are not the only NSPs, however, they are the most abundant hemicellulosic polysaccharides (a major focus of this article). xylans alone make up 43% while beta-glucans are only 2%. Beta-glucan have a high molecular weight compared to xylan, however are easily broken down ...
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I agree that it is well understood that these vitamins are involved in immunity and gut integrity. The question remains, however: "how do we strategically manipulate dietary levels to achieve specific outcomes?". Deficiencies in these nutrients can impair various aspects of immune function, but once the requirement has been met, are there further responses in targeted immune effects that can be ...
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It is very sad and disappointing to see that today, in the middle of the third millennium, in the midst of a pandemic that has already cost 2.5 million lives (Feb. 2021), the use of antibiotics "X" or "Y" is still being discussed, without any restrictions. The antimicrobials used to prevent diseases generate multiresistant microorganisms (MRO), which are "democratically" and vertically distributed ...
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