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#Poultry industry
Video published on May 22, 2024
Nan-Dirk Mulder (Senior Global Specialist Animal Protein at Rabobank) offers insights into the markets, the value chain, and the global poultry industry, in this Engormix interview.
Video published on November 30, 2016
Nan-Dirk Mulder, Senior Global Animal Protein Analyst at Rabobank International, analyzed China and US, and also pointed out the potential of the Latin American poultry market for the next years from the investment perspective, during the Poultry and Egg Summit Latin America VIV 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Video published on November 30, 2016
Nan-Dirk Mulder, Senior Global Animal Protein Analyst at Rabobank International, gave an overview of these markets from the poultry perspective, during the Poultry and Egg Summit Latin America VIV 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Location:Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
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