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Article published the March 13, 2024
Necrotic enteritis (NE) is often induced in broilers after getting infected with coccidiosis. However, not all sources of Eimeria, as a causative agent of coccidiosis, can successfully induce NE.This study was conducted to assess whether different doses of Eimeria combinations predispose broiler chickens to NE, compared with the NE challenge model used at UNE. A total of 768 d-old Cobb 500 broiler ...
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Article published the June 12, 2023
Necrotic enteritis (NE) and coccidiosis are the two major economically important enteric diseases of commercial broiler chickens. Coccidiosis predisposes birds to NE by causing physical damage to the gut epithelium and triggering inflammation and immunosuppression which enhances the growth and proliferation of pathogenic Clostridium perfringens (Park et al., 2008). This study was designed to inves ...
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Article published the June 9, 2023
The caecal microbiota composition of commercial broilers is essential to the poultry industry as it can affect the broiler’s health and performance (Pandit et al., 2018). Bioactive components of the Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL) include antimicrobial peptides, chitin, and lauric acid. They are known to modulate the immune system of broiler chickens (De Souza-Vilela et al., 2020). This stud ...
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Article published the January 10, 2023
Nutritional strategies to improve performance of broilers offered reduced crude protein (RCP) diets supplemented with crystalline amino acids are of interest to the poultry industry. We hypothesized that the dietary inclusion of moderate amounts of insoluble fibre would stimulate gizzard function and increase the retention time of digesta in the foregut allowing more time for exogenous protease to ...
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Article published the October 21, 2022
Recent studies have shown that the decreased performance of broilers associated with feeding a reduced crude protein (RCP) diet cannot be fully recovered by supplementing essential amino acids (Hilliar et al., 2019). We hypothesized that the dietary inclusion of moderate amounts of insoluble fibre would improve gizzard function and protein/amino acid digestibility that could help to restore the pe ...
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Article published the October 12, 2022
Necrotic Enteritis (NE) outbreaks cause an estimated US$6 billion financial loss per annum to the global poultry industry (Wade & Keyburn, 2015). With discontinuation of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) in Europe and implicit withdrawal of AGPs worldwide, a global research effort has been made to find alternative solutions to minimise diseases in animal production including NE. The current s ...
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Article published the September 23, 2022
Plants extracts (PE) have shown promising effects on performance and intestinal health in broilers. Their potential as antimicrobial (AM) alternatives has been studied for years (Adhikari et al., 2020). A feeding study was conducted to examine the effect of a micro-encapsulated product composed of eugenol and garlic tincture on growth performance, mortality, intestinal lesions, jejunal gene expres ...
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Article published the March 22, 2022
A feeding study was conducted to examine the efficacy of a synergistic blend of feed additives on growth performance, livability, gut integrity, immunity, caecal microflora and footpad health in broilers challenged with subclinical necrotic enteritis (NE). Additives were: A) synergistic blend of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), slow-release C12, target release butyrates, organic acids (OA) and a p ...
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Article published the March 22, 2022
A study was conducted to investigate the hypothesis that over-processing (OP) of meat and bone meal (MBM) exacerbates infection with necrotic enteritis in normal and high phytase diets. A total of 768 Ross 308 male chicks were randomly assigned to 8 treatments with 6 replicate floor pens each housing 16 chicks using a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments for 42 d. Factors were ...
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Article published the February 25, 2022
Phytate is a polyanionic molecule with the capacity to chelate Ca, forming mineral-phytate complexes. The presence of these complexes decreases the efficacy of phytase. Ca-phytate formation is dictated by molar ratios of the constituents, gastrointestinal pH and the concentration of dietary Ca relative to P (Sommerfeld et al., 2018). The hypothesis of this study was that a high dietary Ca to P rat ...
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